Colab Notebook


  • The pandas library provides high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools. The main data structure is the DataFrame, which you can think of as an in-memory 2D table (like a spreadsheet, with column names and row labels).
  • Many features available in Excel are available programmatically, such as creating pivot tables, computing columns based on other columns, plotting graphs, etc. You can also group rows by column value, or join tables much like in SQL. Pandas is also great at handling time series data.


  • It’s possible that Python wouldn’t have become the lingua franca of data science if it wasn’t for pandas. The package’s exponential growth on Stack Overflow means two things:

    1. It’s getting increasingly popular.
    2. It can be frustrating to use sometimes (hence the high number of questions).
  • This tutorial contains a few peculiar things about pandas that hopefully make your life easier and code faster.


  • If you are not familiar with NumPy, we recommend that you go through the NumPy tutorial now.


  • First, let’s import pandas. People usually import it as pd:

      import pandas as pd

Overview: Pandas data-structures

  • The pandas library contains these useful data structures:
    • Series objects: A Series object is 1D array, similar to a column in a spreadsheet (with a column name and row labels).
    • DataFrame objects: A DataFrame is a concept inspired by R’s Data Frame, which is, in turn, similar to tables in relational databases. This is a 2D table with rows and columns, similar to a spreadsheet (with names for columns and labels for rows).
    • Panel objects: You can see a Panel as a dictionary of DataFrames. These are less used, so we will not discuss them here.

pandas is column-major

An important thing to know about pandas is that it is column-major, which explains many of its quirks.

  • Column-major means consecutive elements in a column are stored next to each other in memory. Row-major means the same but for elements in a row. Because modern computers process sequential data more efficiently than non-sequential data, if a table is row-major, accessing its rows will be much faster than accessing its columns.
  • In NumPy, major order can be specified. When a ndarray is created, it’s row-major by default if you don’t specify the order.
  • Like R’s Data Frame, pandas’ DataFrame is column-major. People coming to pandas from NumPy tend to treat DataFrame the way they would ndarray, e.g. trying to access data by rows, and find DataFrame slow.
  • Note: A column in a DataFrame is a Series. You can think of a DataFrame as a bunch of Series being stored next to each other in memory.
  • For our dataset, accessing a row takes about 50x longer than accessing a column in our DataFrame.
  • Run the following code snippet in a Colab/Jupyter notebook:

      # Get the column `date`, 1000 loops
      %timeit -n1000 df["Date"]
      # Get the first row, 1000 loops
      %timeit -n1000 df.iloc[0]
    • which outputs:
      1.78 µs ± 167 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
      145 µs ± 9.41 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

Converting DataFrame to row-major order

  • If you need to do a lot of row operations, you might want to convert your DataFrame to a NumPy’s row-major ndarray, then iterating through the rows. Run the following code snippet in a Colab/Jupyter notebook:

      # Now, iterating through our DataFrame is 100x faster.
      %timeit -n1 df_np = df.to_numpy(); rows = [row for row in df_np]
    • which outputs:
      4.55 ms ± 280 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
  • Accessing a row or a column of our ndarray takes nanoseconds instead of microseconds. Run the following code snippet in a Colab/Jupyter notebook:

      df_np = df.to_numpy()
      %timeit -n1000 df_np[0]
      %timeit -n1000 df_np[:,0]
    • which outputs:
      147 ns ± 1.54 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
      204 ns ± 0.678 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

Series objects

Creating a Series

  • Let’s start by creating our first Series object!

      import pandas as pd
      pd.Series([1, 2, 3])
    • which outputs:
      0    1
      1    2
      2    3
      dtype: int64

Similar to a 1D ndarray

  • Series objects behave much like one-dimensional NumPy ndarrays, and you can often pass them as parameters to NumPy functions:

      import pandas as pd
      s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3])
    • which outputs:
      0     2.718282
      1     7.389056
      2    20.085537
      dtype: float64
  • Arithmetic operations on Series are also possible, and they apply elementwise, just like for ndarrays:

      s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3])
      s + [1000, 2000, 3000]
    • which outputs:
      0    1001
      1    2002
      2    3003
      dtype: int64
  • Similar to NumPy, if you add a single number to a Series, that number is added to all items in the Series. This is called broadcasting:

      s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3])
      s + 1000
    • which outputs:
      0    1001
      1    1002
      2    1003
      dtype: int64
  • The same is true for all binary operations such as * or /, and even conditional operations:

      s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3])
      s < 0
    • which outputs:
      0    False
      1    False
      2    False
      dtype: bool

Index labels

  • Each item in a Series object has a unique identifier called the index label. By default, it is simply the rank of the item in the Series (starting at 0) but you can also set the index labels manually:

      import pandas as pd
      s = pd.Series([68, 83, 112, 68], index=["alice", "bob", "charles", "darwin"])
    • which outputs:
      alice       68
      bob         83
      charles    112
      darwin      68
      dtype: int64
  • You can then use the Series just like a dict:

    • which outputs:
  • You can still access the items by integer location, like in a regular array:

    • which outputs:
  • To make it clear when you are accessing by label, it is recommended to always use the loc attribute when accessing by label:

    • which outputs:
  • Similarly, to make it clear when you are accessing by integer location, it is recommended to always use the iloc attribute when accessing by integer location:

    • which outputs:
  • Slicing a Series also slices the index labels:

    • which outputs:
      bob         83
      charles    112
      dtype: int64
  • Pitfall: This can lead to unexpected results when using the default numeric labels, so be careful:

      surprise = pd.Series([1000, 1001, 1002, 1003])
    • which outputs:
      0    1000
      1    1001
      2    1002
      3    1003
      dtype: int64
      surprise_slice = surprise[2:]
    • which outputs:
      2    1002
      3    1003
      dtype: int64
  • Oh look! The first element has index label 2. The element with index label 0 is absent from the slice:

      except KeyError as e:
          print("Key error:", e)
    • which outputs:
      Key error: 0
  • But remember that you can access elements by integer location using the iloc attribute. This illustrates another reason why it’s always better to use loc and iloc to access Series objects:

    • which outputs:

Init from dict

  • You can create a Series object from a dict. The keys will be used as index labels:

      import pandas as pd
      weights = {"alice": 68, "bob": 83, "colin": 86, "darwin": 68}
    • which outputs:
      alice     68
      bob       83
      colin     86
      darwin    68
      dtype: int64
  • You can control which elements you want to include in the Series and in what order by explicitly specifying the desired index:

      pd.Series(weights, index = ["colin", "alice"])
    • which outputs:
      colin    86
      alice    68
      dtype: int64

Automatic alignment

  • When an operation involves multiple Series objects, pandas automatically aligns items by matching index labels.

      import pandas as pd
      s1 = pd.Series([68, 83, 112, 68], index=["alice", "bob", "charles", "darwin"])
      weights = {"alice": 68, "bob": 83, "colin": 86, "darwin": 68}
      s2 = pd.Series(weights)
      s2 + s3
    • which outputs:
      alice     136
      bob       166
      colin     172
      darwin    136
      dtype: int64
  • The resulting Series contains the union of index labels from s2 and s3. Since "colin" is missing from s2 and "charles" is missing from s3, these items have a NaN result value. (i.e., Not-a-Number means missing).
  • Automatic alignment is very handy when working with data that may come from various sources with varying structure and missing items. But if you forget to set the right index labels, you can have surprising results:

      s1 = pd.Series([68, 83, 112, 68], index=["alice", "bob", "charles", "darwin"])
      s2 = pd.Series([1000, 1000, 1000, 1000])
      print("s1 = ", s1.values)
      print("s2 = ", s2.values)
      s1 + s2
    • which outputs:
      alice     NaN
      bob       NaN
      charles   NaN
      darwin    NaN
      0         NaN
      1         NaN
      2         NaN
      3         NaN
      dtype: float64
  • Pandas could not align the Series, since their labels do not match at all, hence the full NaN result.

Init with a scalar

  • You can also initialize a Series object using a scalar and a list of index labels: all items will be set to the scalar.

      pd.Series(42, ["life", "universe", "everything"])
    • which outputs:
      life          42
      universe      42
      everything    42
      dtype: int64

Series name

  • A Series can have a name:

      pd.Series([83, 68], index=["bob", "alice"], name="weights")
    • which outputs:
      bob      83
      alice    68
      Name: weights, dtype: int64

Plotting a Series

  • Pandas makes it easy to plot Series data using matplotlib (for more details on matplotlib, check out the matplotlib tutorial).
  • Just import matplotlib and call the plot() method:

      %matplotlib inline
      import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      temperatures = [4.4, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2, 6.1, 6.1, 5.7, 5.2, 4.7, 4.1, 3.9, 3.5]
      s = pd.Series(temperatures, name="Temperature")
    • which outputs:

  • There are many options for plotting your data. It is not necessary to list them all here: if you need a particular type of plot (histograms, pie charts, etc.), just look for it in the excellent visualization section of pandas’ documentation, and look at the example code.

Handling time

  • Many datasets have timestamps, and pandas is awesome at manipulating such data:

    • It can represent periods (such as 2016Q3) and frequencies (such as “monthly”),
    • It can convert periods to actual timestamps, and vice versa,
    • It can resample data and aggregate values any way you like,
    • It can handle timezones.

Time range

  • Let’s start by creating a time series using pd.date_range(). This returns a DatetimeIndex containing one datetime per hour for 12 hours starting on October 29th 2016 at 5:30PM.

      import pandas as pd
      dates = pd.date_range('2016/10/29 5:30pm', periods=12, freq='H')
    • which outputs:
      DatetimeIndex(['2016-10-29 17:30:00', '2016-10-29 18:30:00',
                     '2016-10-29 19:30:00', '2016-10-29 20:30:00',
                     '2016-10-29 21:30:00', '2016-10-29 22:30:00',
                     '2016-10-29 23:30:00', '2016-10-30 00:30:00',
                     '2016-10-30 01:30:00', '2016-10-30 02:30:00',
                     '2016-10-30 03:30:00', '2016-10-30 04:30:00'],
                     dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='H')
  • This DatetimeIndex may be used as an index in a Series:

      temperatures = [4.4, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2, 6.1, 6.1, 5.7, 5.2, 4.7, 4.1, 3.9, 3.5]
      temp_series = pd.Series(temperatures, dates)
    • which outputs:
      2016-10-29 17:30:00    4.4
      2016-10-29 18:30:00    5.1
      2016-10-29 19:30:00    6.1
      2016-10-29 20:30:00    6.2
      2016-10-29 21:30:00    6.1
      2016-10-29 22:30:00    6.1
      2016-10-29 23:30:00    5.7
      2016-10-30 00:30:00    5.2
      2016-10-30 01:30:00    4.7
      2016-10-30 02:30:00    4.1
      2016-10-30 03:30:00    3.9
      2016-10-30 04:30:00    3.5
      Freq: H, dtype: float64
  • Let’s plot this series:

      import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    • which outputs:


  • Pandas lets us resample a time series very simply. Just call the resample() method and specify a new frequency:

      import pandas as pd
      temp_series = pd.Series({pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 17:30:00', freq='H'): 4.4, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 18:30:00', freq='H'): 5.1, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 19:30:00', freq='H'): 6.1, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 20:30:00', freq='H'): 6.2, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 21:30:00', freq='H'): 6.1, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 22:30:00', freq='H'): 6.1, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 23:30:00', freq='H'): 5.7, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-30 00:30:00', freq='H'): 5.2, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-30 01:30:00', freq='H'): 4.7, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-30 02:30:00', freq='H'): 4.1, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-30 03:30:00', freq='H'): 3.9, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-30 04:30:00', freq='H'): 3.5})
      temp_series_freq_2H = temp_series.resample("2H")
    • which outputs:
      <pandas.core.resample.DatetimeIndexResampler object at [address]>
  • The resampling operation is actually a deferred operation, which is why we did not get a Series object, but a DatetimeIndexResampler object instead. To actually perform the resampling operation, we can simply call the mean() method: Pandas will compute the mean of every pair of consecutive hours:

      temp_series_freq_2H = temp_series_freq_2H.mean()
    • which outputs:
      2016-10-29 16:00:00    4.40
      2016-10-29 18:00:00    5.60
      2016-10-29 20:00:00    6.15
      2016-10-29 22:00:00    5.90
      2016-10-30 00:00:00    4.95
      2016-10-30 02:00:00    4.00
      2016-10-30 04:00:00    3.50
      Freq: 2H, dtype: float64
  • Let’s plot the result:

    • which outputs:

  • Note how the values have automatically been aggregated into 2-hour periods. If we look at the 6-8PM period, for example, we had a value of 5.1 at 6:30PM, and 6.1 at 7:30PM. After resampling, we just have one value of 5.6, which is the mean of 5.1 and 6.1. Rather than computing the mean, we could have used any other aggregation function, for example we can decide to keep the minimum value of each period:

      temp_series_freq_2H = temp_series.resample("2H").min()
    • which outputs:
      2016-10-29 16:00:00    4.4
      2016-10-29 18:00:00    5.1
      2016-10-29 20:00:00    6.1
      2016-10-29 22:00:00    5.7
      2016-10-30 00:00:00    4.7
      2016-10-30 02:00:00    3.9
      2016-10-30 04:00:00    3.5
      Freq: 2H, dtype: float64
  • Or, equivalently, we could use the apply() method instead:

      import numpy as np
      temp_series_freq_2H = temp_series.resample("2H").apply(np.min)
    • which outputs:
      2016-10-29 16:00:00    4.4
      2016-10-29 18:00:00    5.1
      2016-10-29 20:00:00    6.1
      2016-10-29 22:00:00    5.7
      2016-10-30 00:00:00    4.7
      2016-10-30 02:00:00    3.9
      2016-10-30 04:00:00    3.5
      Freq: 2H, dtype: float64

Upsampling and interpolation

  • The above was an example of downsampling. We can also upsample (i.e., increase the frequency), but this creates holes in our data:

      import pandas as pd
      temp_series = pd.Series({pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 17:30:00', freq='H'): 4.4, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 18:30:00', freq='H'): 5.1, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 19:30:00', freq='H'): 6.1, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 20:30:00', freq='H'): 6.2, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 21:30:00', freq='H'): 6.1, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 22:30:00', freq='H'): 6.1, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 23:30:00', freq='H'): 5.7, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-30 00:30:00', freq='H'): 5.2, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-30 01:30:00', freq='H'): 4.7, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-30 02:30:00', freq='H'): 4.1, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-30 03:30:00', freq='H'): 3.9, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-30 04:30:00', freq='H'): 3.5})
      temp_series_freq_15min = temp_series.resample("15Min").mean()
      temp_series_freq_15min.head(n=10) # `head` displays the top n values
    • which outputs:
      2016-10-29 17:30:00    4.4
      2016-10-29 17:45:00    NaN
      2016-10-29 18:00:00    NaN
      2016-10-29 18:15:00    NaN
      2016-10-29 18:30:00    5.1
      2016-10-29 18:45:00    NaN
      2016-10-29 19:00:00    NaN
      2016-10-29 19:15:00    NaN
      2016-10-29 19:30:00    6.1
      2016-10-29 19:45:00    NaN
      Freq: 15T, dtype: float64
  • One solution is to fill the gaps by interpolating. We just call the interpolate() method. The default is to use linear interpolation, but we can also select another method, such as cubic interpolation:

      temp_series_freq_15min = temp_series.resample("15Min").interpolate(method="cubic")
    • which outputs:
      2016-10-29 17:30:00    4.400000
      2016-10-29 17:45:00    4.452911
      2016-10-29 18:00:00    4.605113
      2016-10-29 18:15:00    4.829758
      2016-10-29 18:30:00    5.100000
      2016-10-29 18:45:00    5.388992
      2016-10-29 19:00:00    5.669887
      2016-10-29 19:15:00    5.915839
      2016-10-29 19:30:00    6.100000
      2016-10-29 19:45:00    6.203621
      Freq: 15T, dtype: float64
  • Plotting the data:

      temp_series.plot(label="Period: 1 hour")
      temp_series_freq_15min.plot(label="Period: 15 minutes")
    • which outputs:


  • By default datetimes are naive: they are not aware of timezones, so 2016-10-30 02:30 might mean October 30th 2016 at 2:30am in Paris or in New York. We can make datetimes timezone aware by calling the tz_localize() method:

      import pandas as pd
      temp_series_ny = pd.Series({pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 17:30:00', freq='H'): 4.4, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 18:30:00', freq='H'): 5.1, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 19:30:00', freq='H'): 6.1, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 20:30:00', freq='H'): 6.2, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 21:30:00', freq='H'): 6.1, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 22:30:00', freq='H'): 6.1, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-29 23:30:00', freq='H'): 5.7, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-30 00:30:00', freq='H'): 5.2, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-30 01:30:00', freq='H'): 4.7, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-30 02:30:00', freq='H'): 4.1, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-30 03:30:00', freq='H'): 3.9, pd.Timestamp('2016-10-30 04:30:00', freq='H'): 3.5})
      temp_series_ny = temp_series.tz_localize("America/New_York")
    • which outputs:
      2016-10-29 17:30:00-04:00    4.4
      2016-10-29 18:30:00-04:00    5.1
      2016-10-29 19:30:00-04:00    6.1
      2016-10-29 20:30:00-04:00    6.2
      2016-10-29 21:30:00-04:00    6.1
      2016-10-29 22:30:00-04:00    6.1
      2016-10-29 23:30:00-04:00    5.7
      2016-10-30 00:30:00-04:00    5.2
      2016-10-30 01:30:00-04:00    4.7
      2016-10-30 02:30:00-04:00    4.1
      2016-10-30 03:30:00-04:00    3.9
      2016-10-30 04:30:00-04:00    3.5
      Freq: H, dtype: float64
  • Note that -04:00 is now appended to all the datetimes. This means that these datetimes refer to UTC - 4 hours.
  • We can convert these datetimes to Paris time like this:

      temp_series_paris = temp_series_ny.tz_convert("Europe/Paris")
    • which outputs:
      2016-10-29 23:30:00+02:00    4.4
      2016-10-30 00:30:00+02:00    5.1
      2016-10-30 01:30:00+02:00    6.1
      2016-10-30 02:30:00+02:00    6.2
      2016-10-30 02:30:00+01:00    6.1
      2016-10-30 03:30:00+01:00    6.1
      2016-10-30 04:30:00+01:00    5.7
      2016-10-30 05:30:00+01:00    5.2
      2016-10-30 06:30:00+01:00    4.7
      2016-10-30 07:30:00+01:00    4.1
      2016-10-30 08:30:00+01:00    3.9
      2016-10-30 09:30:00+01:00    3.5
      Freq: H, dtype: float64
  • You may have noticed that the UTC offset changes from +02:00 to +01:00: this is because France switches to winter time at 3am that particular night (time goes back to 2am). Notice that 2:30am occurs twice! Let’s go back to a naive representation (if you log some data hourly using local time, without storing the timezone, you might get something like this):

      temp_series_paris_naive = temp_series_paris.tz_localize(None)
    • which outputs:
      2016-10-29 23:30:00    4.4
      2016-10-30 00:30:00    5.1
      2016-10-30 01:30:00    6.1
      2016-10-30 02:30:00    6.2
      2016-10-30 02:30:00    6.1
      2016-10-30 03:30:00    6.1
      2016-10-30 04:30:00    5.7
      2016-10-30 05:30:00    5.2
      2016-10-30 06:30:00    4.7
      2016-10-30 07:30:00    4.1
      2016-10-30 08:30:00    3.9
      2016-10-30 09:30:00    3.5
      Freq: H, dtype: float64
  • Now 02:30 is really ambiguous. If we try to localize these naive datetimes to the Paris timezone, we get an error:

      except Exception as e:
    • which outputs:
      <class 'pytz.exceptions.AmbiguousTimeError'>
      Cannot infer dst time from %r, try using the 'ambiguous' argument
  • Fortunately using the ambiguous argument we can tell pandas to infer the right DST (Daylight Saving Time) based on the order of the ambiguous timestamps:

      temp_series_paris_naive.tz_localize("Europe/Paris", ambiguous="infer")
    • which outputs:
      2016-10-29 23:30:00+02:00    4.4
      2016-10-30 00:30:00+02:00    5.1
      2016-10-30 01:30:00+02:00    6.1
      2016-10-30 02:30:00+02:00    6.2
      2016-10-30 02:30:00+01:00    6.1
      2016-10-30 03:30:00+01:00    6.1
      2016-10-30 04:30:00+01:00    5.7
      2016-10-30 05:30:00+01:00    5.2
      2016-10-30 06:30:00+01:00    4.7
      2016-10-30 07:30:00+01:00    4.1
      2016-10-30 08:30:00+01:00    3.9
      2016-10-30 09:30:00+01:00    3.5
      Freq: H, dtype: float64


  • The pd.period_range() function returns a PeriodIndex instead of a DatetimeIndex. For example, let’s get all quarters in 2016 and 2017:

      import pandas as pd
      quarters = pd.period_range('2016Q1', periods=8, freq='Q')
    • which outputs:
      PeriodIndex(['2016Q1', '2016Q2', '2016Q3', '2016Q4', '2017Q1', '2017Q2',
                   '2017Q3', '2017Q4'],
                   dtype='period[Q-DEC]', freq='Q-DEC')
  • Adding a number N to a PeriodIndex shifts the periods by N times the PeriodIndex’s frequency:

      quarters + 3
    • which outputs:
      PeriodIndex(['2016Q4', '2017Q1', '2017Q2', '2017Q3', '2017Q4', '2018Q1',
                   '2018Q2', '2018Q3'],
                   dtype='period[Q-DEC]', freq='Q-DEC')
  • The asfreq() method lets us change the frequency of the PeriodIndex. All periods are lengthened or shortened accordingly. For example, let’s convert all the quarterly periods to monthly periods (zooming in):

    • which outputs:
      PeriodIndex(['2016-03', '2016-06', '2016-09', '2016-12', '2017-03', '2017-06',
                   '2017-09', '2017-12'],
                   dtype='period[M]', freq='M')
  • By default, the asfreq zooms on the end of each period. We can tell it to zoom on the start of each period instead:

      quarters.asfreq("M", how="start")
    • which outputs:
      PeriodIndex(['2016-01', '2016-04', '2016-07', '2016-10', '2017-01', '2017-04',
                   '2017-07', '2017-10'],
                   dtype='period[M]', freq='M')
  • And we can zoom out:

    • which outputs:
      PeriodIndex(['2016', '2016', '2016', '2016', '2017', '2017', '2017', '2017'], dtype='period[A-DEC]', freq='A-DEC')
  • We can create a Series with a PeriodIndex:

      quarterly_revenue = pd.Series([300, 320, 290, 390, 320, 360, 310, 410], index = quarters)
    • which outputs:
      2016Q1    300
      2016Q2    320
      2016Q3    290
      2016Q4    390
      2017Q1    320
      2017Q2    360
      2017Q3    310
      2017Q4    410
  • Plotting this data:

    • which outputs:

  • We can convert periods to timestamps by calling to_timestamp. By default this will give us the first day of each period, but by setting how and freq, we can get the last hour of each period:

      last_hours = quarterly_revenue.to_pd.Timestamp(how="end", freq="H")
    • which outputs:
      2016-03-31 23:59:59.999999999    300
      2016-06-30 23:59:59.999999999    320
      2016-09-30 23:59:59.999999999    290
      2016-12-31 23:59:59.999999999    390
      2017-03-31 23:59:59.999999999    320
      2017-06-30 23:59:59.999999999    360
      2017-09-30 23:59:59.999999999    310
      2017-12-31 23:59:59.999999999    410
      Freq: Q-DEC, dtype: int64
  • And back to periods by calling to_period:

    • which outputs:
      2016Q1    300
      2016Q2    320
      2016Q3    290
      2016Q4    390
      2017Q1    320
      2017Q2    360
      2017Q3    310
      2017Q4    410
      Freq: Q-DEC, dtype: int64
  • Pandas also provides many other time-related functions that we recommend you check out in the documentation. To whet your appetite, here is one way to get the last business day of each month in 2016, at 9am:

      months_2016 = pd.period_range("2016", periods=12, freq="M")
      one_day_after_last_days = months_2016.asfreq("D") + 1
      last_bdays = one_day_after_last_days.to_pd.Timestamp() - pd.tseries.offsets.BDay()
      last_bdays.to_period("H") + 9
    • which outputs:
      PeriodIndex(['2016-01-29 09:00', '2016-02-29 09:00', '2016-03-31 09:00',
                   '2016-04-29 09:00', '2016-05-31 09:00', '2016-06-30 09:00',
                   '2016-07-29 09:00', '2016-08-31 09:00', '2016-09-30 09:00',
                   '2016-10-31 09:00', '2016-11-30 09:00', '2016-12-30 09:00'],
                  dtype='period[H]', freq='H')

DataFrame objects

  • A DataFrame object represents a spreadsheet, with cell values, column names and row index labels. You can define expressions to compute columns based on other columns, create pivot-tables, group rows, draw graphs, etc. You can see DataFrames as dictionaries of Series.

Creating a DataFrame

  • You can create a DataFrame by passing a dictionary of Series objects:

      import pandas as pd
      people_dict = {
          "weight": pd.Series([68, 83, 112], index=["alice", "bob", "charles"]),
          "birthyear": pd.Series([1984, 1985, 1992], index=["bob", "alice", "charles"], name="year"),
          "children": pd.Series([0, 3], index=["charles", "bob"]),
          "hobby": pd.Series(["Biking", "Dancing"], index=["alice", "bob"]),
      people = pd.DataFrame(people_dict)
    • which outputs:
               weight  birthyear  children    hobby
      alice        68       1985       NaN   Biking
      bob          83       1984       3.0  Dancing
      charles     112       1992       0.0      NaN
  • A few things to note:

    • The Series were automatically aligned based on their index,
    • Missing values are represented as NaN,
    • Series names are ignored (the name "year" was dropped),
    • DataFrames are displayed nicely in Jupyter notebooks, woohoo!
  • You can access columns pretty much as you would expect. They are returned as Series objects:

    • which outputs:
      alice      1985
      bob        1984
      charles    1992
      Name: birthyear, dtype: int64
  • You can also get multiple columns at once:

      people[["birthyear", "hobby"]]
    • which outputs:
               birthyear    hobby
      alice         1985   Biking
      bob           1984  Dancing
      charles       1992      NaN
  • If you pass a list of columns and/or index row labels to the DataFrame constructor, it will guarantee that these columns and/or rows will exist, in that order, and no other column/row will exist. For example:

      d2 = pd.DataFrame(
              columns=["birthyear", "weight", "height"],
              index=["bob", "alice", "eugene"]
    • which outputs:
              birthyear  weight height
      bob        1984.0    83.0    NaN
      alice      1985.0    68.0    NaN
      eugene        NaN     NaN    NaN
  • Another convenient way to create a DataFrame is to pass all the values to the constructor as an ndarray, or a list of lists, and specify the column names and row index labels separately:

      import numpy as np
      values = [
                  [1985, np.nan, "Biking",   68],
                  [1984, 3,      "Dancing",  83],
                  [1992, 0,      np.nan,    112]
      d3 = pd.DataFrame(
              columns=["birthyear", "children", "hobby", "weight"],
              index=["alice", "bob", "charles"]
    • which outputs:
               birthyear  children    hobby  weight
      alice         1985       NaN   Biking      68
      bob           1984       3.0  Dancing      83
      charles       1992       0.0      NaN     112
  • To specify missing values, you can either use np.nan or NumPy’s masked arrays:

      masked_array =, dtype=np.object)
      masked_array[(0, 2), (1, 2)] =
      d3 = pd.DataFrame(
              columns=["birthyear", "children", "hobby", "weight"],
              index=["alice", "bob", "charles"]
    • which outputs:
              birthyear children    hobby weight
      alice        1985      NaN   Biking     68
      bob          1984        3  Dancing     83
      charles      1992        0      NaN    112
  • Instead of an ndarray, you can also pass a DataFrame object:

      d4 = pd.DataFrame(
               columns=["hobby", "children"],
               index=["alice", "bob"]
    • which outputs:
               hobby children
      alice   Biking      NaN
      bob    Dancing        3
  • It is also possible to create a DataFrame with a dictionary (or list) of dictionaries (or list):

      people = pd.DataFrame({
          "birthyear": {"alice":1985, "bob": 1984, "charles": 1992},
          "hobby": {"alice":"Biking", "bob": "Dancing"},
          "weight": {"alice":68, "bob": 83, "charles": 112},
          "children": {"bob": 3, "charles": 0}
    • which outputs:
               birthyear    hobby  weight  children
      alice         1985   Biking      68       NaN
      bob           1984  Dancing      83       3.0
      charles       1992      NaN     112       0.0


  • If all columns are tuples of the same size, then they are understood as a multi-index. The same goes for row index labels. For example:

      import pandas as pd
      import numpy as np
      d5 = pd.DataFrame(
          ("public", "birthyear"):
              {("Paris","alice"):1985, ("Paris","bob"): 1984, ("London","charles"): 1992},
          ("public", "hobby"):
              {("Paris","alice"):"Biking", ("Paris","bob"): "Dancing"},
          ("private", "weight"):
              {("Paris","alice"):68, ("Paris","bob"): 83, ("London","charles"): 112},
          ("private", "children"):
              {("Paris", "alice"):np.nan, ("Paris","bob"): 3, ("London","charles"): 0}
    • which outputs:
                        public          private
                     birthyear    hobby  weight children
      Paris  alice        1985   Biking      68      NaN
             bob          1984  Dancing      83      3.0
      London charles      1992      NaN     112      0.0
  • You can now get a DataFrame containing all the "public" columns by simply doing:

    • which outputs:
                      birthyear    hobby
      Paris  alice         1985   Biking
             bob           1984  Dancing
      London charles       1992      NaN
  • You can also now get a DataFrame containing all the "hobby" columns within the "public" columns by simply doing:

      d5["public", "hobby"] # Same result as d5["public"]["hobby"]
    • which outputs:
      Paris   alice       Biking
              bob        Dancing
      London  charles        NaN
      Name: (public, hobby), dtype: object

Dropping a level

  • Let’s look at d5 again:

      import pandas as pd
      import numpy as np
      d5 = pd.DataFrame({('public', 'birthyear'): {('Paris', 'alice'): 1985, ('Paris', 'bob'): 1984, ('London', 'charles'): 1992}, ('public', 'hobby'): {('Paris', 'alice'): 'Biking', ('Paris', 'bob'): 'Dancing', ('London', 'charles'): np.nan}, ('private', 'weight'): {('Paris', 'alice'): 68, ('Paris', 'bob'): 83, ('London', 'charles'): 112}, ('private', 'children'): {('Paris', 'alice'): np.nan, ('Paris', 'bob'): 3.0, ('London', 'charles'): 0.0}})
    • which outputs:
                        public          private
                     birthyear    hobby  weight children
      Paris  alice        1985   Biking      68      NaN
             bob          1984  Dancing      83      3.0
      London charles      1992      NaN     112      0.0
  • There are two levels of columns, and two levels of indices. We can drop a column level by calling droplevel() (the same goes for indices):

      d5.columns = d5.columns.droplevel(level = 0)
    • which outputs:
                      birthyear    hobby  weight  children
      Paris  alice         1985   Biking      68       NaN
             bob           1984  Dancing      83       3.0
      London charles       1992      NaN     112       0.0


  • You can swap columns and indices using the T attribute:

      import pandas as pd
      d5 = pd.DataFrame({'birthyear': {('Paris', 'alice'): 1985, ('Paris', 'bob'): 1984, ('London', 'charles'): 1992}, 'hobby': {('Paris', 'alice'): 'Biking', ('Paris', 'bob'): 'Dancing', ('London', 'charles'): nan}, 'weight': {('Paris', 'alice'): 68, ('Paris', 'bob'): 83, ('London', 'charles'): 112}, 'children': {('Paris', 'alice'): nan, ('Paris', 'bob'): 3.0, ('London', 'charles'): 0.0}})
      d6 = d5.T
    • which outputs:
                  Paris           London
                  alice      bob charles
      birthyear    1985     1984    1992
      hobby      Biking  Dancing     NaN
      weight         68       83     112
      children      NaN        3       0

Stacking and unstacking levels

  • Calling the stack() method will push the lowest column level after the lowest index:

      import pandas as pd
      d6 = pd.DataFrame({('Paris', 'alice'): {'birthyear': 1985, 'hobby': 'Biking', 'weight': 68, 'children': nan}, ('Paris', 'bob'): {'birthyear': 1984, 'hobby': 'Dancing', 'weight': 83, 'children': 3.0}, ('London', 'charles'): {'birthyear': 1992, 'hobby': nan, 'weight': 112, 'children': 0.0}})
      d7 = d6.stack()
    • which outputs:
                        London    Paris
      birthyear alice      NaN     1985
                bob        NaN     1984
                charles   1992      NaN
      hobby     alice      NaN   Biking
                bob        NaN  Dancing
      weight    alice      NaN       68
                bob        NaN       83
                charles    112      NaN
      children  bob        NaN        3
                charles      0      NaN
  • Note that many NaN values appeared. This makes sense because many new combinations did not exist before (eg. there was no bob in London).
  • Calling unstack() will do the reverse, once again creating many NaN values.

      d8 = d7.unstack()
    • which outputs:
                London                Paris
                 alice  bob charles   alice      bob charles
      birthyear    NaN  NaN    1992    1985     1984     NaN
      hobby        NaN  NaN     NaN  Biking  Dancing     NaN
      weight       NaN  NaN     112      68       83     NaN
      children     NaN  NaN       0     NaN        3     NaN
  • If we call unstack again, we end up with a Series object:

      d9 = d8.unstack()
    • which outputs:
      London  alice    birthyear        NaN
                       hobby            NaN
                       weight           NaN
                       children         NaN
              bob      birthyear        NaN
                       hobby            NaN
                       weight           NaN
                       children         NaN
              charles  birthyear       1992
                       hobby            NaN
                       weight           112
                       children           0
      Paris   alice    birthyear       1985
                       hobby         Biking
                       weight            68
                       children         NaN
              bob      birthyear       1984
                       hobby        Dancing
                       weight            83
                       children           3
              charles  birthyear        NaN
                       hobby            NaN
                       weight           NaN
                       children         NaN
      dtype: object
  • The stack() and unstack() methods let you select the level to stack/unstack. You can even stack/unstack multiple levels at once:

      d10 = d9.unstack(level = (0,1))
    • which outputs:
                London                Paris
                 alice  bob charles   alice      bob charles
      birthyear    NaN  NaN    1992    1985     1984     NaN
      hobby        NaN  NaN     NaN  Biking  Dancing     NaN
      weight       NaN  NaN     112      68       83     NaN
      children     NaN  NaN       0     NaN        3     NaN

Most methods return modified copies

  • As you may have noticed, the stack() and unstack() methods do not modify the object they apply to. Instead, they work on a copy and return that copy. This is true of most methods in pandas.

Accessing rows

  • Let’s go back to the people DataFrame:

      import pandas as pd
      people_dict = {
          "birthyear": pd.Series([1984, 1985, 1992], index=["bob", "alice", "charles"], name="year"),
          "hobby": pd.Series(["Biking", "Dancing"], index=["alice", "bob"]),
          "weight": pd.Series([68, 83, 112], index=["alice", "bob", "charles"]),
          "children": pd.Series([0, 3], index=["charles", "bob"]),
      people = pd.DataFrame(people_dict)
    • which outputs:
               birthyear    hobby  weight  children
      alice         1985   Biking      68       NaN
      bob           1984  Dancing      83       3.0
      charles       1992      NaN     112       0.0
  • The loc attribute lets you access rows instead of columns. The result is a Series object in which the DataFrame’s column names are mapped to row index labels:

    • which outputs:
      birthyear    1992
      hobby         NaN
      weight        112
      children        0
      Name: charles, dtype: object
  • You can also access rows by integer location using the iloc attribute:

    • which outputs:
      birthyear    1992
      hobby         NaN
      weight        112
      children        0
      Name: charles, dtype: object
  • You can also get a slice of rows, and this returns a DataFrame object:

    • which outputs:
               birthyear    hobby  weight  children
      bob           1984  Dancing      83       3.0
      charles       1992      NaN     112       0.0
  • Finally, you can pass a boolean array to get the matching rows:

      people[np.array([True, False, True])]
    • which outputs:
               birthyear   hobby  weight  children
      alice         1985  Biking      68       NaN
      charles       1992     NaN     112       0.0
  • This is most useful when combined with boolean expressions:

      people[people["birthyear"] < 1990]
    • which outputs:
             birthyear    hobby  weight  children
      alice       1985   Biking      68       NaN
      bob         1984  Dancing      83       3.0

Adding and removing columns

  • Again, let’s go back to the people DataFrame:

      import pandas as pd
      people_dict = {
          "birthyear": pd.Series([1984, 1985, 1992], index=["bob", "alice", "charles"], name="year"),
          "hobby": pd.Series(["Biking", "Dancing"], index=["alice", "bob"]),
          "weight": pd.Series([68, 83, 112], index=["alice", "bob", "charles"]),
          "children": pd.Series([0, 3], index=["charles", "bob"]),
      people = pd.DataFrame(people_dict)
    • which outputs:
               birthyear    hobby  weight  children
      alice         1985   Biking      68       NaN
      bob           1984  Dancing      83       3.0
      charles       1992      NaN     112       0.0
  • You can generally treat DataFrame objects like dictionaries of Series, so adding new columns can be accomplished using:

      people["age"] = 2018 - people["birthyear"] # adds a new column "age"
      people["over 30"] = people["age"] > 30     # adds another column "over 30"
      birthyears = people.pop("birthyear")
      del people["children"]
    • which outputs:
                 hobby  weight  age  over 30
      alice     Biking      68   33     True
      bob      Dancing      83   34     True
      charles      NaN     112   26    False
  • We can print birthyears using:

    • which outputs:
      alice      1985
      bob        1984
      charles    1992
      Name: birthyear, dtype: int64
  • When you add a new column, it must have the same number of rows. Missing rows are filled with NaN, and extra rows are ignored:

      people["pets"] = pd.Series({"bob": 0, "charles": 5, "eugene": 1}) # alice is missing, eugene is ignored
    • which outputs:
                 hobby  weight  age  over 30  pets
      alice     Biking      68   33     True   NaN
      bob      Dancing      83   34     True   0.0
      charles      NaN     112   26    False   5.0
  • When adding a new column, it is added at the end (on the right) by default. You can also insert a column anywhere else using the insert() method:

      people.insert(1, "height", [172, 181, 185])
    • which outputs:
                 hobby  height  weight  age  over 30  pets
      alice     Biking     172      68   33     True   NaN
      bob      Dancing     181      83   34     True   0.0
      charles      NaN     185     112   26    False   5.0

Assigning new columns

  • Again, let’s go back to the people DataFrame:

      import pandas as pd
      people_dict = {
          "hobby": pd.Series(["Biking", "Dancing"], index=["alice", "bob"]),
          "height": pd.Series([172, 181, 185], index=["alice", "bob", "charles"]),
          "weight": pd.Series([68, 83, 112], index=["alice", "bob", "charles"]),
          "age": pd.Series([33, 34, 26], index=["alice", "bob", "charles"]),
          "over 30": pd.Series([True, True, False], index=["alice", "bob", "charles"]),
          "pets": pd.Series({"bob": 0.0, "charles": 5.0}),
      people = pd.DataFrame(people_dict)
    • which outputs:
                 hobby  height  weight  age  over 30  pets
      alice     Biking     172      68   33     True   NaN
      bob      Dancing     181      83   34     True   0.0
      charles      NaN     185     112   26    False   5.0
  • You can also create new columns by calling the assign() method. Note that this returns a new DataFrame object, the original is not modified:

          body_mass_index = people["weight"] / (people["height"] / 100) ** 2,
          has_pets = people["pets"] > 0
    • which outputs:
               weight  height    hobby  age  over 30  pets  body_mass_index  has_pets
      alice        68     172   Biking   33     True   NaN        22.985398     False
      bob          83     181  Dancing   34     True   0.0        25.335002     False
      charles     112     185      NaN   26    False   5.0        32.724617      True
  • Note that you cannot access columns created within the same assignment:

              body_mass_index = people["weight"] / (people["height"] / 100) ** 2,
              overweight = people["body_mass_index"] > 25
      except KeyError as e:
          print("Key error:", e)
    • which outputs:
      Key error: 'body_mass_index'
  • The solution is to split this assignment in two consecutive assignments:

      d6 = people.assign(body_mass_index = people["weight"] / (people["height"] / 100) ** 2)
      d6.assign(overweight = d6["body_mass_index"] > 25)
    • which outputs:
                 hobby  height  weight  age  over 30  pets  body_mass_index  overweight
      alice     Biking     172      68   33     True   NaN        22.985398       False
      bob      Dancing     181      83   34     True   0.0        25.335002        True
      charles      NaN     185     112   26    False   5.0        32.724617        True
  • Having to create a temporary variable d6 is not very convenient. You may want to just chain the assigment calls, but it does not work because the people object is not actually modified by the first assignment:

               .assign(body_mass_index = people["weight"] / (people["height"] / 100) ** 2)
               .assign(overweight = people["body_mass_index"] > 25)
      except KeyError as e:
          print("Key error:", e)
  • which outputs:

      Key error: 'body_mass_index'
  • But fear not, there is a simple solution. You can pass a function to the assign() method (typically a lambda function), and this function will be called with the DataFrame as a parameter:

           .assign(body_mass_index = lambda df: df["weight"] / (df["height"] / 100) ** 2)
           .assign(overweight = lambda df: df["body_mass_index"] > 25)
  • which outputs:

                 hobby  height  weight  age  over 30  pets  body_mass_index  overweight
      alice     Biking     172      68   33     True   NaN        22.985398       False
      bob      Dancing     181      83   34     True   0.0        25.335002        True
      charles      NaN     185     112   26    False   5.0        32.724617        True
  • Problem solved!

Evaluating an expression

  • A great feature supported by pandas is expression evaluation. This relies on the numexpr library which must be installed.

      import pandas as pd
      people.eval("weight / (height/100) ** 2 > 25")
    • which outputs:
      alice      False
      bob         True
      charles     True
      dtype: bool
  • Assignment expressions are also supported. Let’s set inplace=True to directly modify the DataFrame rather than getting a modified copy:

      people.eval("body_mass_index = weight / (height/100) ** 2", inplace=True)
    • which outputs:
                 hobby  height  weight  age  over 30  pets  body_mass_index
      alice     Biking     172      68   33     True   NaN        22.985398
      bob      Dancing     181      83   34     True   0.0        25.335002
      charles      NaN     185     112   26    False   5.0        32.724617
  • You can use a local or global variable in an expression by prefixing it with '@':

      overweight_threshold = 30
      people.eval("overweight = body_mass_index > @overweight_threshold", inplace=True)
    • which outputs:
                 hobby  height  weight  age  over 30  pets  body_mass_index  overweight
      alice     Biking     172      68   33     True   NaN        22.985398       False
      bob      Dancing     181      83   34     True   0.0        25.335002       False
      charles      NaN     185     112   26    False   5.0        32.724617        True

Querying a DataFrame

  • The query() method lets you filter a DataFrame based on a query expression:

      people.query("age > 30 and pets == 0")
    • which outputs:
             hobby  height  weight  age  over 30  pets  body_mass_index  overweight
      bob  Dancing     181      83   34     True   0.0        25.335002       False

Sorting a DataFrame

  • You can sort a DataFrame by calling its sort_index method. By default, it sorts the rows by their index label in ascending order, but let’s reverse the order:

    • which outputs:
                 hobby  height  weight  age  over 30  pets  body_mass_index  overweight
      charles      NaN     185     112   26    False   5.0        32.724617        True
      bob      Dancing     181      83   34     True   0.0        25.335002       False
      alice     Biking     172      68   33     True   NaN        22.985398       False
  • Note that sort_index returned a sorted copy of the DataFrame. To modify people directly, we can set the inplace argument to True. Also, we can sort the columns instead of the rows by setting axis=1:

      people.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True)
    • which outputs:
               age  body_mass_index  height    hobby  over 30  overweight  pets  weight
      alice     33        22.985398     172   Biking     True       False   NaN      68
      bob       34        25.335002     181  Dancing     True       False   0.0      83
      charles   26        32.724617     185      NaN    False        True   5.0     112
  • To sort the DataFrame by the values instead of the labels, we can use sort_values and specify the column to sort by:

      people.sort_values(by="age", inplace=True)
    • which outputs:
               age  body_mass_index  height    hobby  over 30  overweight  pets  weight
      charles   26        32.724617     185      NaN    False        True   5.0     112
      alice     33        22.985398     172   Biking     True       False   NaN      68
      bob       34        25.335002     181  Dancing     True       False   0.0      83

Plotting a DataFrame

  • Just like for Series, pandas makes it easy to draw nice graphs based on a DataFrame.
  • For example, it is trivial to create a line plot from a DataFrame’s data by calling its plot method:

      import pandas as pd
      people.plot(kind = "line", x = "body_mass_index", y = ["height", "weight"])
    • which outputs:

  • You can pass extra arguments supported by matplotlib’s functions. For example, we can create scatterplot and pass it a list of sizes using the s argument of matplotlib’s scatter() function:

      people.plot(kind = "scatter", x = "height", y = "weight", s=[40, 120, 200])
    • which outputs:

  • Again, there are way too many options to list here: the best option is to scroll through the Visualization page in pandas’ documentation, find the plot you are interested in and look at the example code.

Operations on DataFrames

  • Although DataFrames do not try to mimick NumPy arrays, there are a few similarities. Let’s create a DataFrame to demonstrate this:

      import pandas as pd
      grades_array = np.array([[8, 8, 9], [10, 9, 9], [4, 8, 2], [9, 10, 10]])
      grades = pd.DataFrame(grades_array, columns=["sep", "oct", "nov"], index=["alice","bob","charles","darwin"])
    • which outputs:
               sep  oct  nov
      alice      8    8    9
      bob       10    9    9
      charles    4    8    2
      darwin     9   10   10
  • You can apply NumPy mathematical functions on a DataFrame: the function is applied to all values:

    • which outputs:
                    sep       oct       nov
      alice    2.828427  2.828427  3.000000
      bob      3.162278  3.000000  3.000000
      charles  2.000000  2.828427  1.414214
      darwin   3.000000  3.162278  3.162278
  • Similarly, adding a single value to a DataFrame will add that value to all elements in the DataFrame. This is called broadcasting:

      grades + 1
    • which outputs:
               sep  oct  nov
      alice      9    9   10
      bob       11   10   10
      charles    5    9    3
      darwin    10   11   11
  • Of course, the same is true for all other binary operations, including arithmetic (*,/,**…) and conditional (>, ==…) operations:

      grades >= 5
    • which outputs:
                 sep   oct    nov
      alice     True  True   True
      bob       True  True   True
      charles  False  True  False
      darwin    True  True   True
  • Aggregation operations, such as computing the max, the sum or the mean of a DataFrame, apply to each column, and you get back a Series object:

    • which outputs:
      sep    7.75
      oct    8.75
      nov    7.50
      dtype: float64
  • The all method is also an aggregation operation: it checks whether all values are True or not. Let’s see during which months all students got a grade greater than 5:

      (grades > 5).all()
    • which outputs:
      sep    False
      oct     True
      nov    False
      dtype: bool
  • Most of these functions take an optional axis parameter which lets you specify along which axis of the DataFrame you want the operation executed. The default is axis=0, meaning that the operation is executed vertically (on each column). You can set axis=1 to execute the operation horizontally (on each row). For example, let’s find out which students had all grades greater than 5:

      (grades > 5).all(axis = 1)
    • which outputs:
      alice       True
      bob         True
      charles    False
      darwin      True
      dtype: bool
  • The any method returns True if any value is True. Let’s see who got at least one grade 10:

      (grades == 10).any(axis = 1)
    • which outputs:
      alice      False
      bob         True
      charles    False
      darwin      True
      dtype: bool
  • If you add a Series object to a DataFrame (or execute any other binary operation), pandas attempts to broadcast the operation to all rows in the DataFrame. This only works if the Series has the same size as the DataFrames rows. For example, let’s subtract the mean of the DataFrame (a Series object) from the DataFrame:

      grades - grades.mean() # equivalent to: grades - [7.75, 8.75, 7.50]
    • which outputs:
                sep   oct  nov
      alice    0.25 -0.75  1.5
      bob      2.25  0.25  1.5
      charles -3.75 -0.75 -5.5
      darwin   1.25  1.25  2.5
  • We subtracted 7.75 from all September grades, 8.75 from October grades and 7.50 from November grades. It is equivalent to substracting this DataFrame:

      pd.DataFrame([[7.75, 8.75, 7.50]]*4, index=grades.index, columns=grades.columns)
    • which outputs:
                sep   oct  nov
      alice    7.75  8.75  7.5
      bob      7.75  8.75  7.5
      charles  7.75  8.75  7.5
      darwin   7.75  8.75  7.5
  • If you want to subtract the global mean from every grade, here is one way to do it:

      grades - grades.values.mean() # subtracts the global mean (8.00) from all grades
    • which outputs:
               sep  oct  nov
      alice    0.0  0.0  1.0
      bob      2.0  1.0  1.0
      charles -4.0  0.0 -6.0
      darwin   1.0  2.0  2.0

Automatic alignment

  • Similar to Series, when operating on multiple DataFrames, pandas automatically aligns them by row index label, but also by column names. Let’s start with our previous grades DataFrame to demonstrate this:

      import pandas as pd
      grades_array = np.array([[8, 8, 9], [10, 9, 9], [4, 8, 2], [9, 10, 10]])
      grades = pd.DataFrame(grades_array, columns=["sep", "oct", "nov"], index=["alice", "bob", "charles", "darwin"])
    • which outputs:
               sep  oct  nov
      alice      8    8    9
      bob       10    9    9
      charles    4    8    2
      darwin     9   10   10
  • Now, let’s create a new DataFrame that holds the bonus points for each person from October to December:

      import numpy as np
      bonus_array = np.array([[0, np.nan, 2],[np.nan, 1, 0],[0, 1, 0], [3, 3, 0]])
      bonus_points = pd.DataFrame(bonus_array, columns=["oct", "nov", "dec"], index=["bob", "colin", "darwin", "charles"])
    • which outputs:
               oct  nov  dec
      bob      0.0  NaN  2.0
      colin    NaN  1.0  0.0
      darwin   0.0  1.0  0.0
      charles  3.0  3.0  0.0
  • Now, let’s combine both DataFrames:

      grades + bonus_points
    • which outputs:
               dec   nov   oct  sep
      alice    NaN   NaN   NaN  NaN
      bob      NaN   NaN   9.0  NaN
      charles  NaN   5.0  11.0  NaN
      colin    NaN   NaN   NaN  NaN
      darwin   NaN  11.0  10.0  NaN
  • Looks like the addition worked in some cases but way too many elements are now empty. That’s because when aligning the DataFrames, some columns and rows were only present on one side, and thus they were considered missing on the other side (NaN). Then adding NaN to a number results in NaN, hence the result.

Handling missing data

  • Dealing with missing data is a frequent task when working with real life data. Pandas offers a few tools to handle missing data.
  • Let’s try to fix the problem seen in the above section on automatic alignment. Let’s start with our previous grades DataFrame to demonstrate this:

      import pandas as pd
      grades = pd.DataFrame({'sep': {'alice': 8, 'bob': 10, 'charles': 4, 'darwin': 9}, 'oct': {'alice': 8, 'bob': 9, 'charles': 8, 'darwin': 10}, 'nov': {'alice': 9, 'bob': 9, 'charles': 2, 'darwin': 10}})
    • which outputs:
               sep  oct  nov
      alice      8    8    9
      bob       10    9    9
      charles    4    8    2
      darwin     9   10   10
  • Now, let’s create a new DataFrame that holds the bonus points for each person from October to December:

      import numpy as np
      bonus_points = pd.DataFrame({'oct': {'bob': 0.0, 'colin': np.nan, 'darwin': 0.0, 'charles': 3.0}, 'nov': {'bob': np.nan, 'colin': 1.0, 'darwin': 1.0, 'charles': 3.0}, 'dec': {'bob': 2.0, 'colin': 0.0, 'darwin': 0.0, 'charles': 0.0}})
    • which outputs:
               oct  nov  dec
      bob      0.0  NaN  2.0
      colin    NaN  1.0  0.0
      darwin   0.0  1.0  0.0
      charles  3.0  3.0  0.0
  • For example, we can decide that missing data should result in a zero, instead of NaN. We can replace all NaN values by a any value using the fillna() method:

      (grades + bonus_points).fillna(0)
    • which outputs:
               dec   nov   oct  sep
      alice    0.0   0.0   0.0  0.0
      bob      0.0   0.0   9.0  0.0
      charles  0.0   5.0  11.0  0.0
      colin    0.0   0.0   0.0  0.0
      darwin   0.0  11.0  10.0  0.0
  • It’s a bit unfair that we’re setting grades to zero in September, though. Perhaps we should decide that missing grades are missing grades, but missing bonus points should be replaced by zeros:

      fixed_bonus_points = bonus_points.fillna(0)
      fixed_bonus_points.insert(0, "sep", 0)
      fixed_bonus_points.loc["alice"] = 0
      grades + fixed_bonus_points
    • which outputs:
               dec   nov   oct   sep
      alice    NaN   9.0   8.0   8.0
      bob      NaN   9.0   9.0  10.0
      charles  NaN   5.0  11.0   4.0
      colin    NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
      darwin   NaN  11.0  10.0   9.0
  • That’s much better: although we made up some data, we have not been too unfair.
  • Another way to handle missing data is to interpolate. Let’s look at the bonus_points DataFrame again:

    • which outputs:
               oct  nov  dec
      bob      0.0  NaN  2.0
      colin    NaN  1.0  0.0
      darwin   0.0  1.0  0.0
      charles  3.0  3.0  0.0
  • Now let’s call the interpolate method. By default, it interpolates vertically (axis=0), so let’s tell it to interpolate horizontally (axis=1).

    • which outputs:
               oct  nov  dec
      bob      0.0  1.0  2.0
      colin    NaN  1.0  0.0
      darwin   0.0  1.0  0.0
      charles  3.0  3.0  0.0
  • Bob had 0 bonus points in October, and 2 in December. When we interpolate for November, we get the mean: 1 bonus point. Colin had 1 bonus point in November, but we do not know how many bonus points he had in September, so we cannot interpolate, this is why there is still a missing value in October after interpolation. To fix this, we can set the September bonus points to 0 before interpolation.

      better_bonus_points = bonus_points.copy()
      better_bonus_points.insert(0, "sep", 0)
      better_bonus_points.loc["alice"] = 0
      better_bonus_points = better_bonus_points.interpolate(axis=1)
    • which outputs:
               sep  oct  nov  dec
      bob      0.0  0.0  1.0  2.0
      colin    0.0  0.5  1.0  0.0
      darwin   0.0  0.0  1.0  0.0
      charles  0.0  3.0  3.0  0.0
      alice    0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
  • Great, now we have reasonable bonus points everywhere. Let’s find out the final grades:

      grades + better_bonus_points
    • which outputs:
               dec   nov   oct   sep
      alice    NaN   9.0   8.0   8.0
      bob      NaN  10.0   9.0  10.0
      charles  NaN   5.0  11.0   4.0
      colin    NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
      darwin   NaN  11.0  10.0   9.0
  • It is slightly annoying that the September column ends up on the right. This is because the DataFrames we are adding do not have the exact same columns (the grades DataFrame is missing the "dec" column), so to make things predictable, pandas orders the final columns alphabetically. To fix this, we can simply add the missing column before adding:

      import numpy as np
      grades["dec"] = np.nan
      final_grades = grades + better_bonus_points
    • which outputs:
                sep   oct   nov  dec
      alice     8.0   8.0   9.0  NaN
      bob      10.0   9.0  10.0  NaN
      charles   4.0  11.0   5.0  NaN
      colin     NaN   NaN   NaN  NaN
      darwin    9.0  10.0  11.0  NaN
  • There’s not much we can do about December and Colin: it’s bad enough that we are making up bonus points, but we can’t reasonably make up grades (well I guess some teachers probably do). So let’s call the dropna() method to get rid of rows that are full of NaNs:

      final_grades_clean = final_grades.dropna(how="all")
    • which outputs:
                sep   oct   nov  dec
      alice     8.0   8.0   9.0  NaN
      bob      10.0   9.0  10.0  NaN
      charles   4.0  11.0   5.0  NaN
      darwin    9.0  10.0  11.0  NaN
  • Now let’s remove columns that are full of NaNs by setting the axis argument to 1:

      final_grades_clean = final_grades_clean.dropna(axis=1, how="all")
    • which outputs:
                sep   oct   nov
      alice     8.0   8.0   9.0
      bob      10.0   9.0  10.0
      charles   4.0  11.0   5.0
      darwin    9.0  10.0  11.0

Aggregating with groupby

  • Similar to the SQL language, pandas allows grouping your data into groups to run calculations over each group.

  • First, let’s add some extra data about each person so we can group them, and let’s go back to the final_grades DataFrame so we can see how NaN values are handled:

      import numpy as np
      final_grades = pd.DataFrame({'sep': {'alice': 8.0, 'bob': 10.0, 'charles': 4.0, 'colin': np.nan, 'darwin': 9.0}, 'oct': {'alice': 8.0, 'bob': 9.0, 'charles': 11.0, 'colin': np.nan, 'darwin': 10.0}, 'nov': {'alice': 9.0, 'bob': 10.0, 'charles': 5.0, 'colin': np.nan, 'darwin': 11.0}, 'dec': {'alice': np.nan, 'bob': np.nan, 'charles': np.nan, 'colin': np.nan, 'darwin': np.nan}})
  • Adding a new column “hobby” to final_grades:

      final_grades["hobby"] = ["Biking", "Dancing", np.nan, "Dancing", "Biking"]
    • which outputs:
                sep   oct   nov  dec    hobby
      alice     8.0   8.0   9.0  NaN   Biking
      bob      10.0   9.0  10.0  NaN  Dancing
      charles   4.0  11.0   5.0  NaN      NaN
      colin     NaN   NaN   NaN  NaN  Dancing
      darwin    9.0  10.0  11.0  NaN   Biking
  • Now let’s group data in this DataFrame by hobby:

      grouped_grades = final_grades.groupby("hobby")
    • which outputs:
      <pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at [address]>
  • We are ready to compute the average grade per hobby:

    • which outputs:
                sep  oct   nov  dec
      Biking    8.5  9.0  10.0  NaN
      Dancing  10.0  9.0  10.0  NaN
  • That was easy! Note that the NaN values have simply been skipped when computing the means.

Pivot tables

  • Pandas supports spreadsheet-like pivot tables that allow quick data summarization. To illustrate this, let’s start with our DataFrame:

      final_grades_clean = {'sep': {'alice': 8.0, 'bob': 10.0, 'charles': 4.0, 'darwin': 9.0}, 'oct': {'alice': 8.0, 'bob': 9.0, 'charles': 11.0, 'darwin': 10.0}, 'nov': {'alice': 9.0, 'bob': 10.0, 'charles': 5.0, 'darwin': 11.0}}
    • which outputs:
               oct  nov  dec
      bob      0.0  NaN  2.0
      colin    NaN  1.0  0.0
      darwin   0.0  1.0  0.0
      charles  3.0  3.0  0.0
  • Now let’s restructure the data:

      more_grades = final_grades_clean.stack().reset_index()
      more_grades.columns = ["name", "month", "grade"]
      more_grades["bonus"] = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 0, np.nan, 2, 3, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0]
    • which outputs:
             name month  grade  bonus
      0     alice   sep    8.0    NaN
      1     alice   oct    8.0    NaN
      2     alice   nov    9.0    NaN
      3       bob   sep   10.0    0.0
      4       bob   oct    9.0    NaN
      5       bob   nov   10.0    2.0
      6   charles   sep    4.0    3.0
      7   charles   oct   11.0    3.0
      8   charles   nov    5.0    0.0
      9    darwin   sep    9.0    0.0
      10   darwin   oct   10.0    1.0
      11   darwin   nov   11.0    0.0
  • Now we can call the pd.pivot_table() function for this DataFrame, asking to group by the name column. By default, pivot_table() computes the mean of each numeric column:

      pd.pivot_table(more_grades, index="name")
    • which outputs:
                  bonus      grade
      alice         NaN   8.333333
      bob      1.000000   9.666667
      charles  2.000000   6.666667
      darwin   0.333333  10.000000
  • We can change the aggregation function by setting the aggfunc argument, and we can also specify the list of columns whose values will be aggregated:

      pd.pivot_table(more_grades, index="name", values=["grade","bonus"], aggfunc=np.max)
    • which outputs:
               bonus  grade
      alice      NaN    9.0
      bob        2.0   10.0
      charles    3.0   11.0
      darwin     1.0   11.0
  • We can also specify the columns to aggregate over horizontally, and request the grand totals for each row and column by setting margins=True:

      pd.pivot_table(more_grades, index="name", values="grade", columns="month", margins=True)
    • which outputs:
      month      nov   oct    sep        All
      alice     9.00   8.0   8.00   8.333333
      bob      10.00   9.0  10.00   9.666667
      charles   5.00  11.0   4.00   6.666667
      darwin   11.00  10.0   9.00  10.000000
      All       8.75   9.5   7.75   8.666667
  • Finally, we can specify multiple index or column names, and pandas will create multi-level indices:

      pd.pivot_table(more_grades, index=("name", "month"), margins=True)
    • which outputs:
                     bonus  grade
      name    month
      alice   nov      NaN   9.00
              oct      NaN   8.00
              sep      NaN   8.00
      bob     nov    2.000  10.00
              oct      NaN   9.00
              sep    0.000  10.00
      charles nov    0.000   5.00
              oct    3.000  11.00
              sep    3.000   4.00
      darwin  nov    0.000  11.00
              oct    1.000  10.00
              sep    0.000   9.00
      All            1.125   8.75

Overview functions

  • When dealing with large DataFrames, it is useful to get a quick overview of its content. Pandas offers a few functions for this. First, let’s create a large DataFrame with a mix of numeric values, missing values and text values. Notice how Jupyter displays only the corners of the DataFrame:

      much_data = np.fromfunction(lambda x,y: (x+y*y)%17*11, (10000, 26))
      large_df = pd.DataFrame(much_data, columns=list("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"))
      large_df[large_df % 16 == 0] = np.nan
      large_df.insert(3,"some_text", "Blabla")
    • which outputs:
               A     B     C some_text      D  ...      V      W     X      Y      Z
      0      NaN  11.0  44.0    Blabla   99.0  ...    NaN   88.0  22.0  165.0  143.0
      1     11.0  22.0  55.0    Blabla  110.0  ...    NaN   99.0  33.0    NaN  154.0
      2     22.0  33.0  66.0    Blabla  121.0  ...   11.0  110.0  44.0    NaN  165.0
      3     33.0  44.0  77.0    Blabla  132.0  ...   22.0  121.0  55.0   11.0    NaN
      4     44.0  55.0  88.0    Blabla  143.0  ...   33.0  132.0  66.0   22.0    NaN
      ...    ...   ...   ...       ...    ...  ...    ...    ...   ...    ...    ...
      9995   NaN   NaN  33.0    Blabla   88.0  ...  165.0   77.0  11.0  154.0  132.0
      9996   NaN  11.0  44.0    Blabla   99.0  ...    NaN   88.0  22.0  165.0  143.0
      9997  11.0  22.0  55.0    Blabla  110.0  ...    NaN   99.0  33.0    NaN  154.0
      9998  22.0  33.0  66.0    Blabla  121.0  ...   11.0  110.0  44.0    NaN  165.0
      9999  33.0  44.0  77.0    Blabla  132.0  ...   22.0  121.0  55.0   11.0    NaN
      [10000 rows x 27 columns]
  • The head() method returns the top 5 rows:

    • which outputs:
            A     B     C some_text      D  ...     V      W     X      Y      Z
      0   NaN  11.0  44.0    Blabla   99.0  ...   NaN   88.0  22.0  165.0  143.0
      1  11.0  22.0  55.0    Blabla  110.0  ...   NaN   99.0  33.0    NaN  154.0
      2  22.0  33.0  66.0    Blabla  121.0  ...  11.0  110.0  44.0    NaN  165.0
      3  33.0  44.0  77.0    Blabla  132.0  ...  22.0  121.0  55.0   11.0    NaN
      4  44.0  55.0  88.0    Blabla  143.0  ...  33.0  132.0  66.0   22.0    NaN
      [5 rows x 27 columns]
  • Similarly, there’s also a tail() function to view the bottom 5 rows. You can pass the number of rows you want:

    • which outputs:
               A     B     C some_text      D  ...     V      W     X     Y      Z
      9998  22.0  33.0  66.0    Blabla  121.0  ...  11.0  110.0  44.0   NaN  165.0
      9999  33.0  44.0  77.0    Blabla  132.0  ...  22.0  121.0  55.0  11.0    NaN
      [2 rows x 27 columns]
  • The info() method prints out a summary of each columns contents:
    • which outputs:
      <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
      RangeIndex: 10000 entries, 0 to 9999
      Data columns (total 27 columns):
      A            8823 non-null float64
      B            8824 non-null float64
      C            8824 non-null float64
      some_text    10000 non-null object
      D            8824 non-null float64
      E            8822 non-null float64
      F            8824 non-null float64
      G            8824 non-null float64
      H            8822 non-null float64
      I            8823 non-null float64
      J            8823 non-null float64
      K            8822 non-null float64
      L            8824 non-null float64
      M            8824 non-null float64
      N            8822 non-null float64
      O            8824 non-null float64
      P            8824 non-null float64
      Q            8824 non-null float64
      R            8823 non-null float64
      S            8824 non-null float64
      T            8824 non-null float64
      U            8824 non-null float64
      V            8822 non-null float64
      W            8824 non-null float64
      X            8824 non-null float64
      Y            8822 non-null float64
      Z            8823 non-null float64
      dtypes: float64(26), object(1)
      memory usage: 2.1+ MB
  • Finally, the describe() method gives a nice overview of the main aggregated values over each column:

    • count: number of non-null (not NaN) values
    • mean: mean of non-null values
    • std: standard deviation of non-null values
    • min: minimum of non-null values
    • 25%, 50%, 75%: 25th, 50th and 75th percentile of non-null values
    • max: maximum of non-null values
    • which outputs:
                       A            B  ...            Y            Z
      count  8823.000000  8824.000000  ...  8822.000000  8823.000000
      mean     87.977559    87.972575  ...    88.000000    88.022441
      std      47.535911    47.535523  ...    47.536879    47.535911
      min      11.000000    11.000000  ...    11.000000    11.000000
      25%      44.000000    44.000000  ...    44.000000    44.000000
      50%      88.000000    88.000000  ...    88.000000    88.000000
      75%     132.000000   132.000000  ...   132.000000   132.000000
      max     165.000000   165.000000  ...   165.000000   165.000000
      [8 rows x 26 columns]

Saving & loading

  • Pandas can save DataFrames to various backends, including file formats such as CSV, Excel, JSON, HTML and HDF5, or to a SQL database. Let’s create a DataFrame to demonstrate this:

      my_df = pd.DataFrame(
          [["Biking", 68.5, 1985, np.nan], ["Dancing", 83.1, 1984, 3]], 
          index=["alice", "bob"]
    • which outputs:
               hobby  weight  birthyear  children
      alice   Biking    68.5       1985       NaN
      bob    Dancing    83.1       1984       3.0


  • Let’s save it to CSV, HTML and JSON:

  • Done! Let’s take a peek at what was saved:

      for filename in ("my_df.csv", "my_df.html", "my_df.json"):
          print("##", filename)
          with open(filename, "rt") as f:
    • which outputs:
      ## my_df.csv
      ## my_df.html
      <table border="1" class="dataframe">
          <tr style="text-align: right;">
      ## my_df.json
  • Note that the index is saved as the first column (with no name) in a CSV file, as <th> tags in HTML and as keys in JSON.

  • Saving to other formats works very similarly, but some formats require extra libraries to be installed. For example, saving to Excel requires the openpyxl library:

          my_df.to_excel("my_df.xlsx", sheet_name='People')
      except ImportError as e:
    • which outputs:
      No module named 'openpyxl'


  • Now let’s load our CSV file back into a DataFrame:

      my_df_loaded = pd.read_csv("my_df.csv", index_col=0)
    • which outputs:
               hobby  weight  birthyear  children
      alice   Biking    68.5       1985       NaN
      bob    Dancing    83.1       1984       3.0
  • As you might guess, there are similar read_json, read_html, read_excel functions as well. We can also read data straight from the Internet. For example, let’s load all U.S. cities from

      us_cities = None
          csv_url = ""
          us_cities = pd.read_csv(csv_url, index_col=0)
          us_cities = us_cities.head()
      except IOError as e:
    • which outputs:
                                     country          subcountry  geonameid
      les Escaldes                   Andorra  Escaldes-Engordany    3040051
      Andorra la Vella               Andorra    Andorra la Vella    3041563
      Umm al Qaywayn    United Arab Emirates      Umm al Qaywayn     290594
      Ras al-Khaimah    United Arab Emirates     Raʼs al Khaymah     291074
      Khawr Fakkān      United Arab Emirates        Ash Shāriqah     291696
  • There are more options available, in particular regarding datetime format. Check out the documentation for more details.

Combining DataFrames

SQL-like joins

  • One powerful feature of pandas is it’s ability to perform SQL-like joins on DataFrames. Various types of joins are supported: inner joins, left/right outer joins and full joins. To illustrate this, let’s start by creating a couple of simple DataFrames.
  • Here’s the city_loc DataFrame:

      city_loc = pd.DataFrame(
              ["CA", "San Francisco", 37.781334, -122.416728],
              ["NY", "New York", 40.705649, -74.008344],
              ["FL", "Miami", 25.791100, -80.320733],
              ["OH", "Cleveland", 41.473508, -81.739791],
              ["UT", "Salt Lake City", 40.755851, -111.896657]
          ], columns=["state", "city", "lat", "lng"])
    • which outputs:
        state            city        lat         lng
      0    CA   San Francisco  37.781334 -122.416728
      1    NY        New York  40.705649  -74.008344
      2    FL           Miami  25.791100  -80.320733
      3    OH       Cleveland  41.473508  -81.739791
      4    UT  Salt Lake City  40.755851 -111.896657
      city_pop = pd.DataFrame(
              [808976, "San Francisco", "California"],
              [8363710, "New York", "New-York"],
              [413201, "Miami", "Florida"],
              [2242193, "Houston", "Texas"]
          ], index=[3,4,5,6], columns=["population", "city", "state"])
    • which outputs:
         population           city       state
      3      808976  San Francisco  California
      4     8363710       New York    New-York
      5      413201          Miami     Florida
      6     2242193        Houston       Texas
  • Now let’s join these DataFrames using the merge() function:

      pd.merge(left=city_loc, right=city_pop, on="city")
    • which outputs:
        state_x           city        lat         lng  population     state_y
      0      CA  San Francisco  37.781334 -122.416728      808976  California
      1      NY       New York  40.705649  -74.008344     8363710    New-York
      2      FL          Miami  25.791100  -80.320733      413201     Florida
  • Note that both DataFrames have a column named state, so in the result they got renamed to state_x and state_y.

  • Also, note that Cleveland, Salt Lake City and Houston were dropped because they don’t exist in both DataFrames. This is the equivalent of a SQL INNER JOIN. If you want a FULL OUTER JOIN, where no city gets dropped and NaN values are added, you must specify how="outer":

      all_cities = pd.merge(left=city_loc, right=city_pop, on="city", how="outer")
    • which outputs:
        state_x            city        lat         lng  population     state_y
      0      CA   San Francisco  37.781334 -122.416728    808976.0  California
      1      NY        New York  40.705649  -74.008344   8363710.0    New-York
      2      FL           Miami  25.791100  -80.320733    413201.0     Florida
      3      OH       Cleveland  41.473508  -81.739791         NaN         NaN
      4      UT  Salt Lake City  40.755851 -111.896657         NaN         NaN
      5     NaN         Houston        NaN         NaN   2242193.0       Texas
  • Of course LEFT OUTER JOIN is also available by setting how="left": only the cities present in the left DataFrame end up in the result. Similarly, with how="right" only cities in the right DataFrame appear in the result. For example:

      pd.merge(left=city_loc, right=city_pop, on="city", how="right")
    • which outputs:
        state_x           city        lat         lng  population     state_y
      0      CA  San Francisco  37.781334 -122.416728      808976  California
      1      NY       New York  40.705649  -74.008344     8363710    New-York
      2      FL          Miami  25.791100  -80.320733      413201     Florida
      3     NaN        Houston        NaN         NaN     2242193       Texas
  • If the key to join on is actually in one (or both) DataFrame’s index, you must use left_index=True and/or right_index=True. If the key column names differ, you must use left_on and right_on. For example:

      city_pop2 = city_pop.copy()
      city_pop2.columns = ["population", "name", "state"]
      pd.merge(left=city_loc, right=city_pop2, left_on="city", right_on="name")
    • which outputs:
        state_x           city        lat  ...  population           name     state_y
      0      CA  San Francisco  37.781334  ...      808976  San Francisco  California
      1      NY       New York  40.705649  ...     8363710       New York    New-York
      2      FL          Miami  25.791100  ...      413201          Miami     Florida
      [3 rows x 7 columns]


  • Rather than joining DataFrames, we may just want to concatenate them. That’s what concat() is for:

      result_concat = pd.concat([city_loc, city_pop])
    • which outputs:
                   city        lat         lng  population       state
      0   San Francisco  37.781334 -122.416728         NaN          CA
      1        New York  40.705649  -74.008344         NaN          NY
      2           Miami  25.791100  -80.320733         NaN          FL
      3       Cleveland  41.473508  -81.739791         NaN          OH
      4  Salt Lake City  40.755851 -111.896657         NaN          UT
      3   San Francisco        NaN         NaN    808976.0  California
      4        New York        NaN         NaN   8363710.0    New-York
      5           Miami        NaN         NaN    413201.0     Florida
      6         Houston        NaN         NaN   2242193.0       Texas
  • Note that this operation aligned the data horizontally (by columns) but not vertically (by rows). In this example, we end up with multiple rows having the same index (eg. 3). Pandas handles this rather gracefully:

    • which outputs:
                  city        lat        lng  population       state
      3      Cleveland  41.473508 -81.739791         NaN          OH
      3  San Francisco        NaN        NaN    808976.0  California
  • Or you can tell pandas to just ignore the index:

      pd.concat([city_loc, city_pop], ignore_index=True)
    • which outputs:
                   city        lat         lng  population       state
      0   San Francisco  37.781334 -122.416728         NaN          CA
      1        New York  40.705649  -74.008344         NaN          NY
      2           Miami  25.791100  -80.320733         NaN          FL
      3       Cleveland  41.473508  -81.739791         NaN          OH
      4  Salt Lake City  40.755851 -111.896657         NaN          UT
      5   San Francisco        NaN         NaN    808976.0  California
      6        New York        NaN         NaN   8363710.0    New-York
      7           Miami        NaN         NaN    413201.0     Florida
      8         Houston        NaN         NaN   2242193.0       Texas
  • Notice that when a column does not exist in a DataFrame, it acts as if it was filled with NaN values. If we set join="inner", then only columns that exist in both DataFrames are returned:

      pd.concat([city_loc, city_pop], join="inner")
    • which outputs:
              state            city
      0          CA   San Francisco
      1          NY        New York
      2          FL           Miami
      3          OH       Cleveland
      4          UT  Salt Lake City
      3  California   San Francisco
      4    New-York        New York
      5     Florida           Miami
      6       Texas         Houston
  • You can concatenate DataFrames horizontally instead of vertically by setting axis=1:

      pd.concat([city_loc, city_pop], axis=1)
    • which outputs:
        state            city        lat  ...  population           city       state
      0    CA   San Francisco  37.781334  ...         NaN            NaN         NaN
      1    NY        New York  40.705649  ...         NaN            NaN         NaN
      2    FL           Miami  25.791100  ...         NaN            NaN         NaN
      3    OH       Cleveland  41.473508  ...    808976.0  San Francisco  California
      4    UT  Salt Lake City  40.755851  ...   8363710.0       New York    New-York
      5   NaN             NaN        NaN  ...    413201.0          Miami     Florida
      6   NaN             NaN        NaN  ...   2242193.0        Houston       Texas
      [7 rows x 7 columns]
  • In this case it really does not make much sense because the indices do not align well (eg. Cleveland and San Francisco end up on the same row, because they shared the index label 3). So let’s reindex the DataFrames by city name before concatenating:

      pd.concat([city_loc.set_index("city"), city_pop.set_index("city")], axis=1)
    • which outputs:
                     state        lat         lng  population       state
      Cleveland         OH  41.473508  -81.739791         NaN         NaN
      Houston          NaN        NaN         NaN   2242193.0       Texas
      Miami             FL  25.791100  -80.320733    413201.0     Florida
      New York          NY  40.705649  -74.008344   8363710.0    New-York
      Salt Lake City    UT  40.755851 -111.896657         NaN         NaN
      San Francisco     CA  37.781334 -122.416728    808976.0  California
  • This looks a lot like a FULL OUTER JOIN, except that the state columns were not renamed to state_x and state_y, and the city column is now the index.
  • The append() method is a useful shorthand for concatenating DataFrames vertically:

    • which outputs:
                   city        lat         lng  population       state
      0   San Francisco  37.781334 -122.416728         NaN          CA
      1        New York  40.705649  -74.008344         NaN          NY
      2           Miami  25.791100  -80.320733         NaN          FL
      3       Cleveland  41.473508  -81.739791         NaN          OH
      4  Salt Lake City  40.755851 -111.896657         NaN          UT
      3   San Francisco        NaN         NaN    808976.0  California
      4        New York        NaN         NaN   8363710.0    New-York
      5           Miami        NaN         NaN    413201.0     Florida
      6         Houston        NaN         NaN   2242193.0       Texas
  • As always in pandas, the append() method does not actually modify city_loc: it works on a copy and returns the modified copy.


  • It is quite frequent to have values that represent categories, for example 1 for female and 2 for male, or "A" for Good, "B" for Average, "C" for Bad. These categorical values can be hard to read and cumbersome to handle, but fortunately pandas makes it easy. To illustrate this, let’s take the city_pop DataFrame we created earlier, and add a column that represents a category:

      city_eco = city_pop.copy()
      city_eco["eco_code"] = [17, 17, 34, 20]
    • which outputs:
         population           city       state  eco_code
      3      808976  San Francisco  California        17
      4     8363710       New York    New-York        17
      5      413201          Miami     Florida        34
      6     2242193        Houston       Texas        20
  • Right now the eco_code column is full of apparently meaningless codes. Let’s fix that. First, we will create a new categorical column based on the eco_codes:

      city_eco["economy"] = city_eco["eco_code"].astype('category')
    • which outputs:
      Int64Index([17, 20, 34], dtype='int64')
  • Now we can give each category a meaningful name:

      city_eco["economy"].cat.categories = ["Finance", "Energy", "Tourism"]
    • which outputs:
         population           city       state  eco_code  economy
      3      808976  San Francisco  California        17  Finance
      4     8363710       New York    New-York        17  Finance
      5      413201          Miami     Florida        34  Tourism
      6     2242193        Houston       Texas        20   Energy
  • Note that categorical values are sorted according to their categorical order, *not** their alphabetical order:

      city_eco.sort_values(by="economy", ascending=False)
    • which outputs:
         population           city       state  eco_code  economy
      5      413201          Miami     Florida        34  Tourism
      6     2242193        Houston       Texas        20   Energy
      3      808976  San Francisco  California        17  Finance
      4     8363710       New York    New-York        17  Finance

Practical example using a sample dataset

  • To demonstrate the use of pandas, we’ll be using the interview reviews scraped from Glassdoor in 2019. The data is available here.

Dataset at a glance

  • Let’s check out the dataset :

      import pandas as pd
      df = pd.read_csv("../assets/pandas/interviews.csv")
    • which outputs:
        Company              Title                Job     Level          Date  Upvotes           Offer  Experience Difficulty                                             Review
      0   Apple  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer   Aug 7, 2019        0        No offer         0.0     Medium  Application  I applied through a staffing agen...
      1   Apple  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer   Aug 8, 2019        0  Accepted offer         1.0       Hard  Application  I applied online. The process too...
      2   Apple  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer           NaN        0  Declined offer         0.0     Medium  Application  The process took 4 weeks. I inter...
      3   Apple  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer           NaN        9  Declined offer        -1.0     Medium  Application  The process took a week. I interv...
      4   Apple  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  May 29, 2009        2        No offer         0.0     Medium  Application  I applied through an employee ref...

Iterating over rows


  • pandas documentation has a warning box that basically tells you not to iterate over rows because it’s slow.
  • Before iterating over rows, think about what you want to do with each row, pack that into a function and use methods like .apply() to apply the function to all rows.
  • For example, to scale the “Experience” column by the number of “Upvotes” each review has, one way is to iterate over rows and multiple the “Upvotes” value by the “Experience” value of that row. But you can also use .apply() with a lambda function.
  • Run the following code snippet in a Colab/Jupyter notebook:

      %timeit -n1 df.apply(lambda x: x["Experience"] * x["Upvotes"], axis=1)
    • which outputs:
      180 ms ± 16.5 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

.iterrows() and .itertuples()

  • If you really want to iterate over rows, one naive way is to use .iterrows(). It returns a generator that generates row by row and it’s very slow. Run the following code snippet in a Colab/Jupyter notebook:

      %timeit -n1 [row for index, row in df.iterrows()]
    • which outputs:
      1.42 s ± 107 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
  • Using .iterrows():

      # This is what a row looks like as a pandas object
      for index, row in df.iterrows():
    • which outputs:
      Company                                                   Apple
      Title                                         Software Engineer
      Job                                           Software Engineer
      Level                                                  Engineer
      Date                                                Aug 7, 2019
      Upvotes                                                       0
      Offer                                                  No offer
      Experience                                                    0
      Difficulty                                               Medium
      Review        Application  I applied through a staffing agen...
      Name: 0, dtype: object
  • .itertuples() returns rows in the namedtuple format. It still lets you access each row and it’s about 40x faster than .iterrows(). Run the following code snippet in a Colab/Jupyter notebook:

      %timeit -n1 [row for row in df.itertuples()]
    • which outputs:
      24.2 ms ± 709 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
  • Using .iterrows():

      # This is what a row looks like as a namedtuple.
      for row in df.itertuples():
    • which outputs:
      Pandas(Index=0, Company='Apple', Title='Software Engineer', Job='Software Engineer', Level='Engineer', Date='Aug 7, 2019', Upvotes=0, Offer='No offer', Experience=0.0, Difficulty='Medium', Review='Application  I applied through a staffing agency. I interviewed at Apple (Sunnyvale, CA) in March 2019.  Interview  The interviewer asked me about my background. Asked few questions from the resume. Asked about my proficiency on data structures. Asked me how do you sort hashmap keys based on values.  Interview Questions Write a program that uses two threads to print the numbers from 1 to n.')

Ordering slicing operations

  • Because pandas is column-major, if you want to do multiple slicing operations, always do the column-based slicing operations first.
  • For example, if you want to get the review from the first row of the data, there are two slicing operations:
    • get row (row-based operation)
    • get review (column-based operation)
  • Get row -> get review is 25x slower than get review -> get row.
  • Note: You can also just use df.loc[0, "Review"] to calculate the memory address to retrieve the item. Its performance is comparable to get review then get row.

      %timeit -n1000 df["Review"][0]
      %timeit -n1000 df.iloc[0]["Review"]
      %timeit -n1000 df.loc[0, "Review"]
    • which outputs:
      5.55 µs ± 1.05 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
      136 µs ± 2.57 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
      6.23 µs ± 264 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)


  • Sometimes, when you try to assign values to a subset of data in a DataFrame, you get SettingWithCopyWarning. Don’t ignore the warning because it means sometimes, the assignment works (example 1), but sometimes, it doesn’t (example 2).

  • Example 1: Changing the review of the first row:

      df["Review"][0] = "I like Orange better."
      # Even though with the warning, the assignment works. The review is updated.
    • which outputs:
      /Users/chip/miniconda3/envs/py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
      A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame
      See the caveats in the documentation:
        Company              Title                Job     Level         Date  Upvotes     Offer  Experience Difficulty                 Review
      0   Apple  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  Aug 7, 2019        0  No offer         0.0     Medium  I like Orange better.
  • Example 2: Changing the company name Apple to Orange:

      df[df["Company"] == "Apple"]["Company"] = "Orange"
      # With the warning, the assignment doesn't work. The company name is still Apple.
    • which outputs:
      /Users/chip/miniconda3/envs/py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
      A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
      Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead
      See the caveats in the documentation:
        Company              Title                Job     Level         Date  Upvotes     Offer  Experience Difficulty                 Review
      0   Apple  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  Aug 7, 2019        0  No offer         0.0     Medium  I like Orange better.

View vs. Copy

  • To understand this weird behavior, we need to understand two concepts in pandas: View vs. Copy.
    • View is the actual DataFrame you want to work with.
    • Copy is a copy of that actual DataFrame, which will be thrown away as soon as the operation is done.
  • So if you try to do an assignment on a Copy, the assignment won’t work.

  • SettingWithCopyWarning doesn’t mean you’re making changes to a Copy. It means that the thing you’re making changes to might be a Copy or a View, and pandas can’t tell you.

  • The ambiguity happens because of __getitem__ operation. __getitem__ sometimes returns a Copy, sometimes a View, and pandas makes no guarantee.

      # df["Review"][0] = "I like Orange better."
      # can be understood as
      # `df.__getitem__("Review").__setitem__(0, "I like Orange better.")`
      # df[df["Company"] == "Apple"]["Company"] = "Orange"
      # can be understood as
      # df.__getitem__(where df["Company"] == "Apple").__setitem__("Company", "Orange")


Combine all chained operations into one single operation
  • To avoid __getitem__ ambiguity, you can combine all your operations into one single operation. .loc[] is usually great for that.
  • Changing the review of the first row:

      df.loc[0, "Review"] = "Orange is love. Orange is life."
    • which outputs:
        Company              Title                Job     Level          Date  Upvotes           Offer  Experience Difficulty                                             Review
      0   Apple  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer   Aug 7, 2019        0        No offer         0.0     Medium                    Orange is love. Orange is life.
      1   Apple  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer   Aug 8, 2019        0  Accepted offer         1.0       Hard  Application  I applied online. The process too...
      2   Apple  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer           NaN        0  Declined offer         0.0     Medium  Application  The process took 4 weeks. I inter...
      3   Apple  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer           NaN        9  Declined offer        -1.0     Medium  Application  The process took a week. I interv...
      4   Apple  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  May 29, 2009        2        No offer         0.0     Medium  Application  I applied through an employee ref...
  • Changing the company name Apple to Orange:

      df.loc[df["Company"] == "Apple", "Company"] = "Orange"
    • which outputs:
      Company              Title                Job     Level          Date  Upvotes           Offer  Experience Difficulty                                             Review
      0  Orange  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer   Aug 7, 2019        0        No offer         0.0     Medium                    Orange is love. Orange is life.
      1  Orange  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer   Aug 8, 2019        0  Accepted offer         1.0       Hard  Application  I applied online. The process too...
      2  Orange  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer           NaN        0  Declined offer         0.0     Medium  Application  The process took 4 weeks. I inter...
      3  Orange  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer           NaN        9  Declined offer        -1.0     Medium  Application  The process took a week. I interv...
      4  Orange  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  May 29, 2009        2        No offer         0.0     Medium  Application  I applied through an employee ref...
Raise an error
  • SettingWithCopyWarning should ideally be an Exception instead of a warning. You can change this warning into an exception with pandas’ magic set_option().

      pd.set_option("mode.chained_assignment", "raise")
      # Running this will show you an Exception
      # df["Review"][0] = "I like Orange better."

Indexing and slicing

.iloc[]: selecting rows based on integer indices

  • .iloc[] lets you select rows by integer indices.
  • Accessing the third row of a DataFrame:

    • which outputs:
      Company                                                  Orange
      Title                                         Software Engineer
      Job                                           Software Engineer
      Level                                                  Engineer
      Date                                                        NaN
      Upvotes                                                       9
      Offer                                            Declined offer
      Experience                                                   -1
      Difficulty                                               Medium
      Review        Application  The process took a week. I interv...
      Name: 3, dtype: object
  • Slicing with .iloc[] is similar to slicing in Python. If you want a refresh on how slicing in Python works, see our Python Tutorial.
  • Selecting the last 6 rows:

    • which outputs:
             Company              Title                Job     Level          Date  Upvotes           Offer  Experience Difficulty                                             Review
      17648  Tencent  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer   Nov 4, 2012        0        No offer         NaN        NaN  Application  I applied online. The process too...
      17649  Tencent  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  May 25, 2012        0  Declined offer         0.0     Medium  Application  I applied online. The process too...
      17650  Tencent  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  Mar 15, 2014        0        No offer         NaN        NaN  Application  I applied through college or univ...
      17651  Tencent  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  Sep 22, 2015        0  Accepted offer         1.0     Medium  Application  I applied through college or univ...
      17652  Tencent  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer   Jul 4, 2017        0  Declined offer         1.0     Medium  Application  I applied through college or univ...
      17653  Tencent  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  Sep 30, 2016        0  Declined offer         0.0       Easy  Application  I applied online. The process too...
  • Selecting 1 from every 2 rows in the last 6 rows:

    • which outputs:
          Company Title   Job Level   Date    Upvotes Offer   Experience  Difficulty  Review
      17648   Tencent Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    Nov 4, 2012 0   No offer    NaN NaN Application I applied online. The process too...
      17650   Tencent Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    Mar 15, 2014    0   No offer    NaN NaN Application I applied through college or univ...
      17652   Tencent Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    Jul 4, 2017 0   Declined offer  1.0 Medium  Application I applied through college or univ...

.loc[]: selecting rows by labels or boolean masks

  • .loc[] lets you select rows based on one of the two things:
    • boolean masks
    • labels
Selecting rows by boolean masks
  • If you want to select all the rows where candidates declined offer, you can do it with two steps:
    1. Create a boolean mask on whether the “Offer” column equals to “Declined offer”
    2. Use that mask to select rows
      df.loc[df["Offer"] == "Declined offer"]
      # This is equivalent to:
      # mask = df["Offer"] == "Declined offer"
      # df.loc[mask]
    • which outputs:
             Company              Title                Job     Level          Date  Upvotes           Offer  Experience Difficulty                                             Review
      2       Orange  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer           NaN        0  Declined offer         0.0     Medium  Application  The process took 4 weeks. I inter...
      3       Orange  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer           NaN        9  Declined offer        -1.0     Medium  Application  The process took a week. I interv...
      7       Orange  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  Jul 26, 2019        1  Declined offer        -1.0     Medium  Application  The process took 4+ weeks. I inte...
      17      Orange  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  Feb 27, 2010        7  Declined offer        -1.0     Medium  Application  The process took 1 day. I intervi...
      65      Orange  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer   May 6, 2012        1  Declined offer         1.0       Easy  Application  The process took 2 days. I interv...
      ...        ...                ...                ...       ...           ...      ...             ...         ...        ...                                                ...
      17643  Tencent  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer   Apr 9, 2016        0  Declined offer         1.0     Medium  Application  I applied online. I interviewed a...
      17646  Tencent  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  May 28, 2010        0  Declined offer         0.0       Easy  Application  I applied through an employee ref...
      17649  Tencent  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  May 25, 2012        0  Declined offer         0.0     Medium  Application  I applied online. The process too...
      17652  Tencent  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer   Jul 4, 2017        0  Declined offer         1.0     Medium  Application  I applied through college or univ...
      17653  Tencent  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  Sep 30, 2016        0  Declined offer         0.0       Easy  Application  I applied online. The process too...
      [1135 rows × 10 columns]
Selecting rows by labels
Creating labels
  • Currently, our DataFrame has no labels yet. To create labels, use .set_index().

    1. Labels can be integers or strings
    2. A DataFrame can have multiple labels
      # Adding label "Hardware" if the company name is "Orange", "Dell", "IDM", or "Siemens".
      # "Orange" because we changed "Apple" to "Orange" above.
      # Adding label "Software" otherwise.
      def company_type(x):
          hardware_companies = set(["Orange", "Dell", "IBM", "Siemens"])
          return "Hardware" if x["Company"] in hardware_companies else "Software"
      df["Type"] = df.apply(lambda x: company_type(x), axis=1)
      # Setting "Type" to be labels. We call ""
      df = df.set_index("Type")
      # Label columns aren't considered part of the DataFrame's content.
      # After adding labels to your DataFrame, it still has 10 columns, same as before.
    • which outputs:
             Company              Title                Job     Level          Date  Upvotes           Offer  Experience Difficulty                                             Review
      0       Orange  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer   Aug 7, 2019        0        No offer         0.0     Medium                    Orange is love. Orange is life.
      1       Orange  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer   Aug 8, 2019        0  Accepted offer         1.0       Hard  Application  I applied online. The process too...
      2       Orange  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer           NaN        0  Declined offer         0.0     Medium  Application  The process took 4 weeks. I inter...
      3       Orange  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer           NaN        9  Declined offer        -1.0     Medium  Application  The process took a week. I interv...
      4       Orange  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  May 29, 2009        2        No offer         0.0     Medium  Application  I applied through an employee ref...
      ...        ...                ...                ...       ...           ...      ...             ...         ...        ...                                                ...
      17649  Tencent  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  May 25, 2012        0  Declined offer         0.0     Medium  Application  I applied online. The process too...
      17650  Tencent  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  Mar 15, 2014        0        No offer         NaN        NaN  Application  I applied through college or univ...
      17651  Tencent  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  Sep 22, 2015        0  Accepted offer         1.0     Medium  Application  I applied through college or univ...
      17652  Tencent  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer   Jul 4, 2017        0  Declined offer         1.0     Medium  Application  I applied through college or univ...
      17653  Tencent  Software Engineer  Software Engineer  Engineer  Sep 30, 2016        0  Declined offer         0.0       Easy  Application  I applied online. The process too...
      [17654 rows x 10 columns]
  • Warning: labels in DataFrame are stored as normal columns when you write the DataFrame to file using .to_csv(), and will need to be explicitly set after loading files, so if you send your CSV file to other people without explaining, they’ll have no way of knowing which columns are labels. This might cause reproducibility issues. See Stack Overflow answer.

Selecting rows by labels
  • Selecting rows with label “Hardware”:

    • which outputs:
          Company Title   Job Level   Date    Upvotes Offer   Experience  Difficulty  Review
      Hardware    Orange  Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    Aug 7, 2019 0   No offer    0.0 Medium  Orange is love. Orange is life.
      Hardware    Orange  Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    Aug 8, 2019 0   Accepted offer  1.0 Hard    Application I applied online. The process too...
      Hardware    Orange  Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    NaN 0   Declined offer  0.0 Medium  Application The process took 4 weeks. I inter...
      Hardware    Orange  Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    NaN 9   Declined offer  -1.0    Medium  Application The process took a week. I interv...
      Hardware    Orange  Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    May 29, 2009    2   No offer    0.0 Medium  Application I applied through an employee ref...
      ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
      Hardware    IBM Senior Software Engineer    Software Engineer   Senior  Sep 20, 2015    0   No offer    -1.0    Easy    Application I applied through a recruiter. Th...
      Hardware    IBM Senior Software Engineer    Software Engineer   Senior  Sep 14, 2015    0   Accepted offer  -1.0    Medium  Application I applied in-person. The process ...
      Hardware    IBM Senior Software Engineer    Software Engineer   Senior  Aug 6, 2015 0   Accepted offer  1.0 Hard    Application I applied through a recruiter. Th...
      Hardware    IBM Senior Software Engineer    Software Engineer   Senior  Dec 13, 2015    0   Accepted offer  1.0 Medium  Application I applied online. The process too...
      Hardware    IBM Senior Software Engineer    Software Engineer   Senior  Feb 15, 2016    11  Accepted offer  1.0 Easy    Application I applied online. The process too...
      [1676 rows × 10 columns]
  • To drop a label, you need to use reset_index with drop=True:

      df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
    • which outputs:
          Company Title   Job Level   Date    Upvotes Offer   Experience  Difficulty  Review
      0   Orange  Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    Aug 7, 2019 0   No offer    0.0 Medium  Orange is love. Orange is life.
      1   Orange  Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    Aug 8, 2019 0   Accepted offer  1.0 Hard    Application I applied online. The process too...
      2   Orange  Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    NaN 0   Declined offer  0.0 Medium  Application The process took 4 weeks. I inter...
      3   Orange  Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    NaN 9   Declined offer  -1.0    Medium  Application The process took a week. I interv...
      4   Orange  Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    May 29, 2009    2   No offer    0.0 Medium  Application I applied through an employee ref...
      ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
      17649   Tencent Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    May 25, 2012    0   Declined offer  0.0 Medium  Application I applied online. The process too...
      17650   Tencent Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    Mar 15, 2014    0   No offer    NaN NaN Application I applied through college or univ...
      17651   Tencent Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    Sep 22, 2015    0   Accepted offer  1.0 Medium  Application I applied through college or univ...
      17652   Tencent Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    Jul 4, 2017 0   Declined offer  1.0 Medium  Application I applied through college or univ...
      17653   Tencent Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    Sep 30, 2016    0   Declined offer  0.0 Easy    Application I applied online. The process too...
      [17654 rows × 10 columns]

Slicing Series

  • Slicing pandas Series is similar to slicing in Python.

      series = df.Company
      # The first 1000 companies, picking every 100th companies
    • which outputs:
      0      Orange
      100    Orange
      200    Orange
      300    Orange
      400     Intel
      500     Intel
      600     Intel
      700     Intel
      800      Uber
      900      Uber
      Name: Company, dtype: object


string accessor

  • .str allows you to apply built-in string functions to all strings in a column (aka a pandas Series). These built-in functions come in handy when you want to do some basic string processing. For instance, if you want to lowercase all the reviews in the Reviews column:

    • which outputs:
      0                          orange is love. orange is life.
      1        application  i applied online. the process too...
      2        application  the process took 4 weeks. i inter...
      3        application  the process took a week. i interv...
      4        application  i applied through an employee ref...
      17649    application  i applied online. the process too...
      17650    application  i applied through college or univ...
      17651    application  i applied through college or univ...
      17652    application  i applied through college or univ...
      17653    application  i applied online. the process too...
      Name: Review, Length: 17654, dtype: object
  • Or if you want to get the length of all the reviews:

    • which outputs:
      0         31
      1        670
      2        350
      3        807
      4        663
      17649    470
      17650    394
      17651    524
      17652    391
      17653    784
      Name: Review, Length: 17654, dtype: int64
  • .str can be very powerful if you use it with Regex. Imagine you want to get a sense of how long the interview process takes for each review. You notice that each review mentions how long it takes such as “the process took 4 weeks”. So you use these heuristics:
    • A process is short if it takes days.
    • A process is average is if it takes weeks.
    • A process is long if it takes at least 4 weeks.
      df.loc[df["Review"].str.contains("days"), "Process"] = "Short"
      df.loc[df["Review"].str.contains("week"), "Process"] = "Average"
      df.loc[df["Review"].str.contains("month|[4-9]+[^ ]* weeks|[1-9]\d{1,}[^ ]* weeks"), "Process"] = "Long"
      df[~df.Process.isna()][["Review", "Process"]]
    • which outputs:
          Review  Process
      1   Application I applied online. The process too...    Long
      2   Application The process took 4 weeks. I inter...    Long
      3   Application The process took a week. I interv...    Average
      5   Application I applied through college or univ...    Long
      6   Application The process took 2 days. I interv...    Short
      ... ... ...
      17645   Application I applied online. The process too...    Average
      17647   Application I applied through college or univ...    Average
      17648   Application I applied online. The process too...    Short
      17649   Application I applied online. The process too...    Average
      17653   Application I applied online. The process too...    Average
      [12045 rows × 2 columns]
  • We want to sanity check if Process corresponds to Review, but Review is cut off in the display above. To show longer columns, you can set display.max_colwidth to 100. Note: set_option has several great options you should check out.

      pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 100)
      df[~df.Process.isna()][["Review", "Process"]]
    • which outputs:
      Review  Process
      1   Application I applied online. The process took 2+ months. I interviewed at Apple (San Jose, CA)...  Long
      2   Application The process took 4 weeks. I interviewed at Apple (San Antonio, TX) in February 2016...  Long
      3   Application The process took a week. I interviewed at Apple (Cupertino, CA) in December 2008. ...   Average
      5   Application I applied through college or university. The process took 6 weeks. I interviewed at...  Long
      6   Application The process took 2 days. I interviewed at Apple (Cupertino, CA) in March 2009. Int...   Short
      ... ... ...
      17645   Application I applied online. The process took a week. I interviewed at Tencent (Palo Alto, CA)...  Average
      17647   Application I applied through college or university. The process took 4+ weeks. I interviewed a...  Average
      17648   Application I applied online. The process took 2 days. I interviewed at Tencent. Interview I ...    Short
      17649   Application I applied online. The process took a week. I interviewed at Tencent (Beijing, Beiji...  Average
      17653   Application I applied online. The process took 3+ weeks. I interviewed at Tencent (Beijing, Bei...  Average
      [12045 rows × 2 columns]
  • To see the built-in functions available for .str, use this:

    • which outputs:
      dict_keys(['__module__', '__annotations__', '__doc__', '__init__', '_validate', '__getitem__', '__iter__', '_wrap_result', '_get_series_list', 'cat', 'split', 'rsplit', 'partition', 'rpartition', 'get', 'join', 'contains', 'match', 'fullmatch', 'replace', 'repeat', 'pad', 'center', 'ljust', 'rjust', 'zfill', 'slice', 'slice_replace', 'decode', 'encode', 'strip', 'lstrip', 'rstrip', 'wrap', 'get_dummies', 'translate', 'count', 'startswith', 'endswith', 'findall', 'extract', 'extractall', 'find', 'rfind', 'normalize', 'index', 'rindex', 'len', '_doc_args', 'lower', 'upper', 'title', 'capitalize', 'swapcase', 'casefold', 'isalnum', 'isalpha', 'isdigit', 'isspace', 'islower', 'isupper', 'istitle', 'isnumeric', 'isdecimal', '_make_accessor'])

Other accessors

  • pandas Series has three other accessors:
    • .dt: handles date formats.
    • .cat: handles categorical data.
    • .sparse: handles sparse matrices.
    • which outputs:
      {'cat', 'dt', 'sparse', 'str'}

Data exploration

  • When analyzing data, you might want to take a look at the data. pandas has some great built-in functions for that.

.head(), .tail(), .describe(), .info()

  • You’re probably familiar with .head() and .tail() methods for showing the first/last rows of DataFrame. By default, five rows are shown, but you can specify the exact number.

    • which outputs:
      Company Title   Job Level   Date    Upvotes Offer   Experience  Difficulty  Review  Process
      17646   Tencent Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    May 28, 2010    0   Declined offer  0.0 Easy    Application I applied through an employee referral. The process took 1 day. I interviewed at Te...  NaN
      17647   Tencent Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    Apr 11, 2019    0   Accepted offer  1.0 Medium  Application I applied through college or university. The process took 4+ weeks. I interviewed a...  Average
      17648   Tencent Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    Nov 4, 2012 0   No offer    NaN NaN Application I applied online. The process took 2 days. I interviewed at Tencent. Interview I ...    Short
      17649   Tencent Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    May 25, 2012    0   Declined offer  0.0 Medium  Application I applied online. The process took a week. I interviewed at Tencent (Beijing, Beiji...  Average
      17650   Tencent Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    Mar 15, 2014    0   No offer    NaN NaN Application I applied through college or university. I interviewed at Tencent. Interview Prof...    NaN
      17651   Tencent Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    Sep 22, 2015    0   Accepted offer  1.0 Medium  Application I applied through college or university. The process took 1 day. I interviewed at T...  NaN
      17652   Tencent Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    Jul 4, 2017 0   Declined offer  1.0 Medium  Application I applied through college or university. I interviewed at Tencent (London, England ...  NaN
      17653   Tencent Software Engineer   Software Engineer   Engineer    Sep 30, 2016    0   Declined offer  0.0 Easy    Application I applied online. The process took 3+ weeks. I interviewed at Tencent (Beijing, Bei...  Average
  • You can generate statistics about numeric columns using .describe().

    • which outputs:
      Upvotes Experience
      count   17654.000000    16365.000000
      mean    2.298459    0.431714
      std 28.252562   0.759964
      min 0.000000    -1.000000
      25% 0.000000    0.000000
      50% 0.000000    1.000000
      75% 1.000000    1.000000
      max 1916.000000 1.000000
  • However, note that .describe() ignores all non-numeric columns. It doesn’t take into account NaN values. So, the number shown in count above is the number of non-NaN entries.

  • To show non-null count and types of all columns, use .info(). Note that pandas treats the String type as an object.
    • which outputs:
      <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
      RangeIndex: 17654 entries, 0 to 17653
      Data columns (total 11 columns):
       #   Column      Non-Null Count  Dtype  
      ---  ------      --------------  -----  
       0   Company     17654 non-null  object 
       1   Title       17654 non-null  object 
       2   Job         17654 non-null  object 
       3   Level       17654 non-null  object 
       4   Date        17652 non-null  object 
       5   Upvotes     17654 non-null  int64  
       6   Offer       17654 non-null  object 
       7   Experience  16365 non-null  float64
       8   Difficulty  16376 non-null  object 
       9   Review      17654 non-null  object 
       10  Process     12045 non-null  object 
      dtypes: float64(1), int64(1), object(9)
      memory usage: 1.5+ MB
  • You can also see how much space your DataFrame is taking up using :

      import sys
    • which outputs:
      Company        1126274
      Title          1358305
      Job            1345085
      Level          1144784
      Date           1212964
      Upvotes         141384
      Offer          1184190
      Experience      141384
      Difficulty     1058008
      Review        20503467
      Process        1274180
      dtype: int64

Count unique values

  • You can get the number of unique values in a row (excluding NaN) with nunique(). For instance, to get the number of unique companies in our data:

    • which outputs:
    • You can also see how many reviews are for each company, sorted in descending order:
    • which outputs:
      Amazon        3469
      Google        3445
      Facebook      1817
      Microsoft     1790
      IBM            873
      Cisco          787
      Oracle         701
      Uber           445
      Yelp           404
      Orange         363
      Intel          338
      Salesforce     313
      SAP            275
      Twitter        258
      Dell           258
      Airbnb         233
      NVIDIA         229
      Adobe          211
      Intuit         203
      PayPal         193
      Siemens        182
      Square         177
      Samsung        159
      eBay           148
      Symantec       147
      Snap           113
      Netflix        109
      Tencent         14
      Name: Company, dtype: int64


  • If you want to see the break down of process lengths for different companies, you can use .plot() with .groupby().
  • Note: Plotting in pandas is both mind-boggling and mind-blowing. If you’re not familiar, you might want to check out some tutorials, e.g. this simple tutorial or this saiyan-level pandas plotting with seaborn.

      # Group the DataFrame by "Company" and "Process", count the number of elements,
      # then unstack by "Process", then plot a bar chart
      df.groupby(["Company", "Process"]).size().unstack(level=1).plot(kind="bar", figsize=(15, 8))
    • which outputs:

Common pitfalls

  • pandas is great for most day-to-day data analysis. There is an active community that is working on regular updates to the library. However, some of the design decisions can seen a bit questionable.
  • Some of the common pandas pitfalls:

NaNs as floats

  • NaNs are stored as floats in pandas, so when an operation fails because of NaNs, it doesn’t say that there’s a NaN but because that operation isn’t defined for floats.

Changes aren’t in-place by default

  • Most pandas operations aren’t in-place by default, so if you make changes to your DataFrame, you need to assign the changes back to your DataFrame. You can make changes in-place by setting argument inplace=True.

      # "Process" column is still in df
    • which outputs:
      Index(['Company', 'Title', 'Job', 'Level', 'Date', 'Upvotes', 'Offer',
             'Experience', 'Difficulty', 'Review', 'Process'],
    • To make changes to df, set inplace=True:
      df.drop(columns=["Process"], inplace=True)
      # This is equivalent to
      # df = df.drop(columns=["Process"])
    • which outputs:
      Index(['Company', 'Title', 'Job', 'Level', 'Date', 'Upvotes', 'Offer',
             'Experience', 'Difficulty', 'Review'],

Reproducibility issues

Not GPU compatible

  • pandas can’t take advantage of GPUs, so if your computations are on on GPUs and your feature engineering is on CPUs, it can become a time bottleneck to move data from CPUs to GPUs. If you want something like pandas but works on GPUs, check out dask and modin.

What next?

  • As you probably noticed by now, pandas is quite a large library with many features. Although we went through the most important features, there is still a lot to discover. Probably the best way to learn more is to get your hands dirty with some real-life data. It is also a good idea to go through pandas’ excellent documentation, in particular the Cookbook.

References and Credits


If you found our work useful, please cite it as:

  title   = {Pandas Tutorial},
  author  = {Chadha, Aman},
  journal = {Distilled AI},
  year    = {2020},
  note    = {\url{}}