CS231n • Recurrent Neural Networks
Recurrent Neural Networks
Vanilla Neural Networks (i.e., feed-forward neural networks), input of fixed size goes through some hidden units and then go to output. We call it a one to one network.
Recurrent Neural Networks RNN Models:
- One to many
- Example: Image Captioning
- image ==> sequence of words
- Example: Image Captioning
- Many to One
- Example: Sentiment Classification
- sequence of words ==> sentiment
- Example: Sentiment Classification
- Many to many
- Example: Machine Translation
- seq of words in one language ==> seq of words in another language
- Example: Video classification on frame level
- Example: Machine Translation
RNNs can also work for Non-Sequence Data (One to One problems)
- It worked in Digit classification through taking a series of “glimpses”
- “Multiple Object Recognition with Visual Attention”, ICLR 2015.
- It worked on generating images one piece at a time
- i.e generating a captcha
- It worked in Digit classification through taking a series of “glimpses”
So what is a recurrent neural network?
Recurrent core cell that take an input x and that cell has an internal state that are updated each time it reads an input.
The RNN block should return a vector.
We can process a sequence of vectors x by applying a recurrence formula at every time step:
h[t] = fw (h[t-1], x[t]) # Where fw is some function with parameters W
- The same function and the same set of parameters are used at every time step.
(Vanilla) Recurrent Neural Network:
h[t] = tanh (W[h,h]*h[t-1] + W[x,h]*x[t]) # Then we save h[t] y[t] = W[h,y]*h[t]
- This is the simplest example of a RNN.
RNN works on a sequence of related data.
Recurrent NN Computational graph:
are initialized to zero.- Gradient of
is the sum of all theW
gradients that has been calculated! - A many to many graph:
- Also the last is the sum of all losses and the weights of Y is one and is updated through summing all the gradients!
- A many to one graph:
- A one to many graph:
- sequence to sequence graph:
- Encoder and decoder philosophy.
- Suppose we are building words using characters. We want a model to predict the next character of a sequence. Lets say that the characters are only
[h, e, l, o]
and the words are [hello]- Training:
- Only the third prediction here is true. The loss needs to be optimized.
- We can train the network by feeding the whole word(s).
- Testing time:
- At test time we work with a character by character. The output character will be the next input with the other saved hidden activations.
- This link contains all the code but uses Truncated Backpropagation through time as we will discuss.
- Training:
- Suppose we are building words using characters. We want a model to predict the next character of a sequence. Lets say that the characters are only
Backpropagation through time Forward through entire sequence to compute loss, then backward through entire sequence to compute gradient.
- But if we choose the whole sequence it will be so slow and take so much memory and will never converge!
So in practice people are doing “Truncated Backpropagation through time” as we go on we Run forward and backward through chunks of the sequence instead of whole sequence
- Then Carry hidden states forward in time forever, but only backpropagate for some smaller number of steps.
Example on image captioning:
- They use
token to finish running. - The biggest dataset for image captioning is Microsoft COCO.
Image Captioning with Attention is a project in which when the RNN is generating captions, it looks at a specific part of the image not the whole image.
- Image Captioning with Attention technique is also used in “Visual Question Answering” problem
Multilayer RNNs is generally using some layers as the hidden layer that are feed into again. LSTM is a multilayer RNNs.
Backward flow of gradients in RNN can explode or vanish. Exploding is controlled with gradient clipping. Vanishing is controlled with additive interactions (LSTM)
LSTM stands for Long Short Term Memory. It was designed to help the vanishing gradient problem on RNNs.
- It consists of:
- f: Forget gate, Whether to erase cell
- i: Input gate, whether to write to cell
- g: Gate gate (?), How much to write to cell
- o: Output gate, How much to reveal cell
- The LSTM gradients are easily computed like ResNet
- The LSTM is keeping data on the long or short memory as it trains means it can remember not just the things from last layer but layers.
- It consists of:
Highway networks is something between ResNet and LSTM that is still in research.
Better/simpler architectures are a hot topic of current research
Better understanding (both theoretical and empirical) is needed.
RNN is used for problems that uses sequences of related inputs more. Like NLP and Speech recognition.
If you found our work useful, please cite it as:
title = {Recurrent Neural Networks},
author = {Chadha, Aman},
journal = {Distilled Notes for Stanford CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition},
year = {2020},
note = {\url{https://aman.ai}}