CS231n • Convolutional Neural Networks
Convolutional Neural Networks
- Neural networks history:
- First perceptron machine was developed by Frank Rosenblatt in 1957. It was used to recognize letters of the alphabet. Back propagation wasn’t developed yet.
- Multilayer perceptron was developed in 1960 by Adaline/Madaline. Back propagation wasn’t developed yet.
- Back propagation was developed in 1986 by Rumeelhart.
- There was a period which nothing new was happening with NN. Cause of the limited computing resources and data.
- In 2006 Hinton released a paper that shows that we can train a deep neural network using Restricted Boltzmann machines to initialize the weights then back propagation.
- The first strong results was in 2012 by Hinton in speech recognition. And the AlexNet “Convolutional neural networks” that wins the image net in 2012 also by Hinton’s team.
- After that neural nets has been widely used in various applications.
- Convolutional neural networks history:
- Hubel & Wisel in 1959 to 1968 experiments on cats cortex found that there are a topographical mapping in the cortex and that the neurons has hireical organization from simple to complex.
- In 1998, Yann Lecun gives the paper Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition that introduced the Convolutional neural networks. It was good for recognizing zip letters but couldn’t run on a more complex examples.
- In 2012 AlexNet used the same Yan Lecun architecture and won the image net challenge. The difference from 1998 that now we have a large data sets that can be used also the power of the GPUs solved a lot of performance problems.
- Starting from 2012 there are CNN that are used for various tasks (Here are some applications):
- Image classification.
- Image retrieval.
- Extracting features using a NN and then do a similarity matching.
- Object detection.
- Segmentation.
- Each pixel in an image takes a label.
- Face recognition.
- Pose recognition.
- Medical images.
- Playing Atari games with reinforcement learning.
- Galaxies classification.
- Street signs recognition.
- Image captioning.
- Deep dream.
- ConvNet architectures make the explicit assumption that the inputs are images, which allows us to encode certain properties into the architecture.
- There are a few distinct types of Layers in ConvNet (e.g. CONV/FC/RELU/POOL are by far the most popular)
- Each Layer may or may not have parameters (e.g. CONV/FC do, RELU/POOL don’t)
- Each Layer may or may not have additional hyperparameters (e.g. CONV/FC/POOL do, RELU doesn’t)
- How Convolutional neural networks works?
- A fully connected layer is a layer in which all the neurons is connected. Sometimes we call it a dense layer.
- If input shape is \((X, M)\) the weighs shape for this will be \((NoOfHiddenNeurons, X)\)
- Convolution layer is a layer in which we will keep the structure of the input by a filter that goes through all the image.
- We do this with dot product: \(W.T*X + b\). This equation uses the broadcasting technique.
- So we need to get the values of \(W\) and \(b\)
- We usually deal with the filter (\(W\)) as a vector not a matrix.
- We call output of the convolution activation map. We need to have multiple activation map.
- Example if we have 6 filters, here are the shapes:
- Input image \((32,32,3)\)
- filter size \((5,5,3)\)
- We apply 6 filters. The depth must be three because the input map has depth of three.
- Output of Conv. \((28,28,6)\)
- if one filter it will be \((28,28,1)\)
- After RELU \((28,28,6)\)
- Another filter \((5,5,6)\)
- Output of Conv. \((24,24,10)\)
- Example if we have 6 filters, here are the shapes:
- It turns out that convNets learns in the first layers the low features and then the mid-level features and then the high level features.
- After the Convnets we can have a linear classifier for a classification task.
- In Convolutional neural networks usually we have some (Conv ==> Relu)s and then we apply a pool operation to downsample the size of the activation.
- A fully connected layer is a layer in which all the neurons is connected. Sometimes we call it a dense layer.
- What is stride when we are doing convolution:
- While doing a conv layer we have many choices to make regarding the stride of which we will take. I will explain this by examples.
- Stride is skipping while sliding. By default its 1.
- Given a matrix with shape of \((7,7)\) and a filter with shape \((3,3)\):
- If stride is \(1\) then the output shape will be \((5,5)\)
# 2 are dropped
- If stride is \(2\) then the output shape will be \((3,3)\)
# 4 are dropped
- If stride is \(3\) it doesn’t work.
- If stride is \(1\) then the output shape will be \((5,5)\)
- A general formula would be \(((N-F)/stride +1)\)
- If stride is \(1\) then \(O = ((7-3)/1)+1 = 4 + 1 = 5\)
- If stride is \(2\) then \(O = ((7-3)/2)+1 = 2 + 1 = 3\)
- If stride is \(3\) then \(O = ((7-3)/3)+1 = 1.33 + 1 = 2.33\) `# doesn’t work$$
- In practice it’s common to zero pad the border.
# Padding from both sides
- Give a stride of \(1\) its common to pad to this equation: \((F-1)/2\) where F is the filter size
- Example \(F = 3\) ==> Zero pad with \(1\)
- Example \(F = 5\) ==> Zero pad with \(2\)
- If we pad this way we call this same convolution.
- Adding zeros gives another features to the edges thats why there are different padding techniques like padding the corners not zeros but in practice zeros works!
- We do this to maintain our full size of the input. If we didn’t do that the input will be shrinking too fast and we will lose a lot of data.
- Give a stride of \(1\) its common to pad to this equation: \((F-1)/2\) where F is the filter size
- Example:
- If we have input of shape \((32,32,3)\) and ten filters with shape is \((5,5)\) with stride \(1\) and pad \(2\)
- Output size will be \((32,32,10)\)
# We maintain the size
- Output size will be \((32,32,10)\)
- Size of parameters per filter \(= 5*5*3 + 1 = 76\)
- All parameters: \(76 * 10 = 76\)
- If we have input of shape \((32,32,3)\) and ten filters with shape is \((5,5)\) with stride \(1\) and pad \(2\)
- Number of filters is usually common to be to the power of 2 to vectorize well.
- So here are the parameters for the Conv layer:
- Number of filters K.
- Usually a power of 2.
- Spatial content size F.
- 3,5,7 ….
- The stride S.
- Usually 1 or 2 (If the stride is big there will be a downsampling but different of pooling)
- Amount of Padding
- If we want the input shape to be as the output shape, based on the F if 3 its 1, if F is 5 the 2 and so on.
- Number of filters K.
- Pooling makes the representation smaller and more manageable.
- Pooling Operates over each activation map independently.
- Example of pooling is the maxpooling.
- Parameters of max pooling is the size of the filter and the stride”
- Example \(2x2\) with stride \(2\)
# Usually the two parameters are the same 2 , 2
- Example \(2x2\) with stride \(2\)
- Parameters of max pooling is the size of the filter and the stride”
- Also example of pooling is average pooling.
- In this case it might be learnable.
If you found our work useful, please cite it as:
title = {Convolutional Neural Networks},
author = {Chadha, Aman},
journal = {Distilled Notes for Stanford CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition},
year = {2020},
note = {\url{https://aman.ai}}